260 Elementary students of CEIP Cala de Benidorm participate in the Solidarity Race in favor of Save the Children

The Mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, and the Councilor for Sports, Arturo Cabrillo, have participated this morning in the Solidarity Race organized by CEIP La Cala in favor of Save the Children. The public school, which last year was named the Ambassador Center for the Defense of the Rights of Children, has once again hosted this event with the aim of collaborating on this occasion with the refugee children of Syria.
Around 260 participants of the center, between 3 and 12 years old, have performed non-competitive tests, along with the 26 students of the Brampton Primary School, in London, who during these days visit Benidorm. The British children, have been distributed among the different courses to run along with the students of the CEIP La Cala.
With this act, the center has raised funds in favor of Save the Children, thanks to the collaboration of parents, families and students, as every year. The NGO will allocate them to education and development projects in Syria. This type of sporting event, where the important thing is not to win but to participate, has the purpose of teaching students values such as collaboration, solidarity or sportsmanship.
At the end of the event, the participants have been offered provisioning and a diploma, also to the English children that they will be able to exhibit it when they return to their school.