A fair, a contest of microvideos and the visit to ESO and Bachillerato centers integrate the days of Educational Orientation

In order to guide the students of Benidorm to the training options that best suit their future, the Department of Education has organized the first Conference on Educational Guidance, a set of activities aimed at showing the options available for the process of making of decisions by which every student must pass, addressing their doubts and giving arguments to assess the existing possibilities.
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, who also holds the municipal competences of Education, has presented today these first days that will be composed of three activities: The Educational Fair, from 3 to 4 April, in the 'Carrer de Pilota', next to Palau d'Esports l'Illa de Benidorm; Open Days in Institutes, from April 2 to 8, to learn about educational projects and facilities; and the Microvideos Contest, promotional pieces from each of the centers.
"School Centers," said the mayor, "are the essential core of these conferences, in which they perform an important task when it comes to making decisions for our young people through guidance departments." Proposals made jointly by all the public centers of the city and the catholic school Nuestra Señora de los Dolores .
In the Educational Fair, 21 stands will be installed where the offer of private or public institutions of local, regional, provincial or state level will be exhibited. The five institutes of Benidorm and the catholic school Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, will show their services to 700 ESO and Bachiller students aproximately. The Open Doors Days will allow 59 groups of students, a total of 900 young people, to visit the facilities through commented itineraries "that advise," the mayor pointed out, "young people on the training offers." In this sense, the Department of Education has prepared an operation to move 26 of these groups to the educational area of Salt de l'Aigua and IES Mediterrània. Finally, in the Microvideos Contest, the five institutes participated with one minute pieces. "Each of them," said the mayor, "will be awarded 200 euros in educational material." Of them, one will be the absolute winner and receive 300 euros, redeemable in the collaborating shops of the city.