In a week the Neighborhood Council will deliver the selection of proposals for the Participatory Budget endowed this year with 605,000 euros
Els Tolls expands the playground in front of the school complex and improves accessibility

Benidorm City Council has already carried out practically all of the actions in Public Space requested by the residents of Els Tolls neighborhood. The councilor of the area, José Ramón González de Zárate, together with the councillor of Citizen Participation, Ana Pellicer, neighbors and the vice presidents of the Neighborhood Council, Teresa Garrido and Manuel Sánchez Notario, have toured the streets of the school complex today to check the progress of works.
González de Zárate recalled that, in the meeting a couple months ago in the Municipal Branch of the neighborhood, the neighbors complained that there were streets "especially in Belgica Avenue" where "the tree pits had been raised by the roots”. In the meeting, “accessibility problems” were reported.
As of today, the Councilor for Public Space has pointed out "the repair of tree pits is completely finished throughout Bélgica Avenue, from Alfonso Puchades Avenue to Italia street." In the first, in addition, the rubber is being placed. Regarding accessibility, González de Zárate has clarified that during last Christmas holidays the sidewalks were widened with what "we already have three accessible entrances to CEIP Puig Campana" and so that "the safety distance required by the current health situation ”is mantained.
The municipal workers were working this morning on the construction of a new lug at the road juction of Cortés Roig street and Bélgica Avenue. A second brigade intervened at the end of Municipi Avenue, which delimits the school area with CEIP ‘Els Tolls’ and ‘Puig Campana’ and ‘Les Fontanelles' Municipal Nursery School.
The entire area, which was previously gravel, has been concreted and now, as González de Zárate has specified, “we are making it friendly, I mean, it is going to be painted so that the children can have fun ”with games like hopscotch and“ soon ”new swings will be installed.
Participatory budget 2020-2021
After the tour around Els Tolls, and before the representatives of the Neighborhood Council, Ana Pellicer has announced that the Permanent Table will analyze and select the proposals presented by the residents that will be presented to the Participatory Budget for 2021 this week. With them "and with the score of the Council - she said - a meeting will take place next Thursday." After it, the information will be transferred to the municipal technical services of each department to study "if they are executable" and will soon be announced.
Ana Pellicer recalled that "for this year 605,000 euros have been reserved from municipal accounts for projects and actions proposed by residents, thus reaching" a new record "since participatory budgets began in 2016".
The person in charge of Citizen Participation has detailed that "as in previous years" all the proposals will be studied and apart from those that arise from the participatory budget, the City Council "will study the possibility of carrying out, at the expense of the Municipal Budget, the performances that may be enforceable ”, as has been done in previous years. Pellicer gave an example of the refurbishment of Plaza de Las Tiendas, in La Cala, which, despite having been left out of the participatory budget last year, is now a reality.