Education opens the registration period for the Municipal Language School
The department of Education has opened the registration period for the Municipal Language school, offering courses for beginners and an intermediate level of French, English and Spanish for people over 14 years.
These courses are aimed at people who want to gain learn other languages to communicate in everyday situations and / or in their jobs, and also to facilitate language study at higher levels.
In addition to the initiation level of the three languages, people who have previous knowledge of English may study I and II modules of' Speak Spanish !, 'Parlez Français!' And 'Speak Inglés!'. The offer also includes the preparation of the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE).
The registration can be formalized until 16 September in the department of Education, located on the third floor of the City Hall.
The courses will begin on September 19 for the groups of Monday and Wednesday, and the next day for the groups of Tuesday and Thursday. The courses end in May.
Classes will be held in the morning at the Adult Training Centre (FPA) at the building El Torrejó, or in the afternoon at IES Bernat de Sarrià. In addition, during the first half of the course there will be class two Fridays a month.
Payment of the courses will be in nine installments. At the time of enrollment, students pay the fee of a first fraction. The amount of the first fraction will be 31.93 euros, 15.97 euros in case of large families; of 25.54 euros if more than one member of the same family: 28.74 euros for retirees and those who have Carnet Jove; and 15.97 euros for former students. The remaining eight installments are paid bi-monthly.
Para formalizar su inscripción los interesados deberán aportar una fotocopia del DNI, NIE o pasaporte; el justificante de abono de matrícula; el documento de domiciliación bancaria debidamente cumplimentado y sellado por el banco; y en caso de bonificación, los documentos que acrediten la situación alegada.