According to technical criteria, the body has resolved to propose that the management of the complex be awarded to the only bidder who has submitted to the public tender
The contracting table will propose to the plenary session the award of the bus station contract

The contracting table has proposed awarding the bus station management contract to the only bidder who has attended the public tender called by Benidorm City Council. This proposal will be raised to the next ordinary plenary session, scheduled for July 31, so that the municipal corporation decides whether or not to support the proposal made by this body, in which the decision-making weight falls on the technicians responsible for the Secretariat areas, Intervention, and Hiring.
After evaluating and ratifying the different reports that are part of the file, including the evaluation of the technical proposal signed by the Engineering department, the contracting committee has agreed to propose the award of the contract, understanding that the provisions of the specifications are met. Conditions were approved on May 29 by the plenary session, with the votes in favor of PP and PSOE.
The contract for the bus station tendered through a public, open, and harmonized tender, has a duration of 40 years, and includes the management of the terminal, the commercial area, the hotel, and the first floor of the underground car park. During the bidding process, only one offer was received: the one proposed by the current concessionary company. This offer covered the three lots tendered.
With this public tender, the second called by the City Council seeks to comply with the 2012 ruling of the Supreme Court -which ratified one of 2007 of the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJ)- that forced the City Council to bid The station and all its facilities are new.
Remember that the contract for the management and operation of the bus station goes out to tender for a price of 24,516,647.32 euros. This amount covers the work carried out and is not amortized.