The Governing Board approves the bases for requesting aid, to which local entities that promote equality and female empowerment may apply.
Benidorm supports projects to prevent violence against women with 15,000 euros

Benidorm City Council is going to allocate a sum of 15,000 euros to support the development of projects related to the promotion of equality, the prevention of gender violence, and the promotion of women's associations. The Local Government Board (JGL) has approved the basis of this call for subsidies, to which local non-profit entities that develop activities related to these lines of work may apply. The Councilor for Equality, Ángela Zaragozí, explained that through this aid “we reaffirm our commitment to collaboration with local entities that daily work towards the prevention and eradication of violence against women and to promote female empowerment.”.
This line of aid will have as potential beneficiaries local non-profit entities and associations that have developed projects in the last year for comprehensive care for women, especially those who are victims of sexist violence, from different areas. As a whole, it is endowed with 15,000 euros to finance 100% of the cost of the projects presented by the entities, up to a maximum of 3,000 euros for each of them.
Among the projects that may be submitted to the call are activities for the prevention of gender violence; training and/or promotion of female employment, especially for women in vulnerable situations; promoting self-employment and women's entrepreneurship; the breakdown of traditional gender roles and stereotypes; research, training, information and awareness-raising on gender inequalities; the promotion of equality, social inclusion, women's health and their quality of life and health, therapeutic or rehabilitative care; the promotion of domestic co-responsibility and conciliation; as well as the promotion of associations among women. Likewise, the rules establish that activities with a purely recreational or festive purpose and federated sports or health activities included in other lines of municipal subsidy are excluded and that lunches, dinners, honorary wines, or similar cannot be financed either; investments; expenses inherent to the operation of the entity or the equipment of its headquarters; or personnel expenses when these professionals are part of the board of directors of the applicant group.
Among the requirements to obtain the aid, the bases state that the applicant entities must be registered in the Registry of Associations of the Benidorm City Council; have a stable, active, and public headquarters or delegation open to the public in the municipality; not be included in any of the circumstances that prevent obtaining the status of the beneficiary of public subsidies; be up to date with tax obligations and with Social Security and Benidorm City Council; and, finally, have justified any subsidy granted by the City Council during the 2022 year.
The councillor of Equality has explained that the subsidies can be requested from the day after their publication in the BOP and for 15 calendar days and that it will be a technical commission, designated by the City Council, who will resolve the call based on the criteria established valuation criteria, which are governed by the principles of publicity, transparency, competition, objectivity, equality, and non-discrimination. Likewise, Ángela Zaragozí has encouraged local entities to participate in this call, aware that “equality is a transversal issue and that it can be addressed and promoted from very diverse areas” and of “the need” to continue developing “how many actions are within our reach to put an end to the serious social drama that is sexist violence.”