It will take place in the municipal facilities that bear the name of the Spanish international footballer, from July 10 to 15
Benidorm presents the XV Antonio López Campus for boys and girls from 5 to 14 years old

The Councilor for Sports Mariló Cebreros, together with Antonio López and the campus coordinator, Alejandro Este, presented this morning the fifteenth edition of the summer training event around football that is held in Benidorm.
Antonio López football campus has a working group of qualified professionals with experience in the best national football clubs, whose technical direction is carried out by Antonio López.
The campus focuses on training sessions under a model that seeks to make the young athlete think about how to resolve game situations. In them, tactical principles will be applied, projecting the technical qualities of young athletes. The training sessions will be dynamic, trying to be attractive enough for the participants to keep the desire to learn and enjoy football.
It will also be discussed, highlighted by Councilor Cebreros "the psychological preparation of young athletes to guide them to improve their performance." It is sought, insisted the mayor "that those attending the campus learn, have fun, train and relate positively with other boys and girls, having football as a link."
A particularity of this campus is, Mariló Cebreros pointed out, that it pays special attention to goalkeepers, "by having specific training time to improve".
The direction and technical supervision of this campus is the responsibility of Antonio López, former player of Atlético de Madrid, R.C.D Mallorca, Osasuna S.A.D. and the Spanish National Team. The coaching staff, coordinated by Alejandro Esteve, is made up of a team of certified and qualified coaches, monitors and physiotherapists, who will teach how to value team play with the methods of professional footballers.
The campus will take place in the "Antonio López" Football Fields, on Zamora Street in Benidorm, from July 10 to 15, 2022, between 9 in the morning and 8 in the afternoon, for boys and girls from 5 to 14 years.
Registration reservations must be formalized at
The registration period ends on June 15. Information can be obtained by calling +34 601 98 80 35.