This Saturday, between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., as a gesture, the lights of the Levante catenary will be turned off, and the ornamental lighting of Paseo de Poniente and La Cruz
Benidorm participates one more year in 'Earth Hour' to warn about climate change and the loss of biodiversity

One more year Benidorm City Council has joined the 'Earth Hour' campaign, promoted by WWF with the aim of warning and drawing attention to climate change or the loss of biodiversity. To make visible "these serious environmental problems, this Saturday, March 26, between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., the thousands of participating cities will turn off the lights of some of their monuments, a gesture that we are also going to replicate in Benidorm", explained the Councilor for the Environment department, Mónica Gómez.
Specifically, "in Benidorm, for one hour, the lights of Paseo de Levante catenary and the ornamental lighting of Paseo de Poniente and La Cruz de Serra Gelada will be turned off." “These are three iconic locations in the city and that constitute a lighting reference point in Benidorm at night, so their shutdown will not go unnoticed by the public”, Gómez pointed out.
The Department of Environment, individuals, companies and other institutions and administrations have been encouraged to commit and act in favour of sustainability by turning off the lights for one hour.
In its 13th edition in Spain, 'Earth Hour' has achieved the support of more than 500 municipalities, which are joined by towns from more than 200 countries. In previous years, up to 17,000 monuments around the planet were extinguished, some as emblematic as the Eiffel Tower or the Roman Colosseum.