Those responsible for the plant emphasize the importance of drinking tap water “because it is much more economical, does not generate waste, has more controls and is of higher quality”
Benidorm concludes the events on the occasion of World Water Day with a visit to the ETAP of the neighborhood associations

This morning, Benidorm City Council completed the activities organized to celebrate World Water Day, which takes place today, Friday. Although the events have focused on raising awareness about the little ones, today the emphasis has been placed on the general population. For this reason, the weekly 'On the Street' campaign has been used to visit the Drinking Water Treatment Station (ETAP) with representatives of the neighbourhood associations and members of the Neighborhood Council.
An initiative that has had the presence of the Councilor for Citizen Participation, Ana Pellicer, the Councilor for the Water Cycle, José Ramón González de Zárate, and the Councilor for Public Space, Francis Muñoz.
Firstly, the participants received a talk about the importance of consuming tap water, they have learned where it comes from, the controls that are carried out and the studies that are carried out. The objective, they have explained, is to “provide quality tap water.” Its quality and benefits are above bottled water, “which generates a lot of plastic waste,” Pellicer indicated.
The water consumed in Benidorm comes from the Amadorio and Guadalest reservoirs and there are two DWTPs, one in Benidorm and the other in Terra Mítica. Those responsible for the Benidorm plant have detailed the operation of the ETAP "from the moment the water arrives until it is ready for consumption", as well as the daily analyses it undergoes, the samples that are taken to the laboratory or the 107 parameters that are measured.
In the explanation they also wanted to make it clear that “neither the chlorine nor the lime present in tap water are harmful to health; On the contrary, they are beneficial for our body.”
Pellicer has also summarized the reasons why it is important to drink tap water. “It is much cheaper, it does not generate waste, it is subject to many controls and it is of better quality,” she stated.
After the talk, the delegation visited the water treatment plant facilities, where "everything is under remote control in real-time." Pellicer has elaborated that “this infrastructure is critical and a model for other places and plants.”
The degree of modernization of the ETAP is such that, as they have been specified, all the data can be viewed in real-time, both the quality of the water and the supply and its optimization, which allows for greater efficiency and being able to act quickly in the event of any incident. "We have been able to learn about the different phases through which the water goes from when it arrives until it leaves and the great use and optimization of this resource in our city has been evident in the explanations, which range between 3l 95 and 98%, being a the town with the highest percentage in the country and the world” concluded Pellicer.