ALGTBenidorm proposes more education to "get respect"
Benidorm commemorates the International LGTBI+ Pride Day

Between September 4 and 10, Benidorm Pride 2023 will take place
On the occasion of the worldwide celebration of the International LGTBI+ Pride Day, Benidorm, through the departments of Social Welfare and Equality, has organized a series of events to publicize and make visible the demands of the group that have started this morning, after 10.45, with the institutional act of displaying the rainbow flag on the main balcony of the Town Hall.
The mayor, Toni Pérez, along with the councilor responsible for the areas of Social Welfare and Equality, Ángela Zaragozí, other members of the corporation, and members of the local LGTBI+ associations participated in the event. Among them, is Chelo Oliva, president of ALGTBenidorm Marina Baixa, who has read a commemorative manifesto.
Oliva highlighted the 130% growth in "complaints of attacks" against the group in 2022. Also the prominence of "hate speech" in the current political landscape and advocates for the punishment of these crimes "classified in our judicial system ”.
The president of ALGTBenidorm stressed that the LGTBI+ collective "is not going to allow even a step back in equality and rights" and asked for the support of the institutions "to achieve respect" which, she stressed, "there is no other way to achieve it than with education, education, and more education.”
The event will also play a leading role at the municipal radio station, Onda Benidorm, at 100.6 on the dial, tomorrow, Thursday, June 29, with a monographic program at noon in which a review of the day's news and the activities of the collective will be given. LGTBI+ in Benidorm and the Marina Baixa.
On Friday 30, the Municipal Social Center 'La Torreta' will host, starting at 9:30 a.m., the workshop 'Sexual and gender diversity', aimed at user personnel of the Department of Social Welfare.
Finally, in the coming days it is expected that part of the Benidorm Pride program of events will be announced, the LGTBI+ party par excellence in the city that will take place between September 4 and 10, with the spectacular Parade on Saturday which closes the European Pride 2023 calendar.