Local administration, which will monitor compliance with these limits, recalls that we are in an initial stage of the restrictions lifting and appeals to responsibility
Benidorm City Council agrees with Abreca, Cobreca and Ociobal that the sound level on the terraces is limited to a musical setting

Once agreed the opening hours of terraces of bars, restaurants and cafes during the 1st phase of the restrictions lifting, Benidorm City Council has now addressed the activity of the same, paying special attention to noise levels. The Councilor for Citizen Security and Commerce, Lorenzo Martínez, explained that "after several meetings with Abreca, Cobreca and Ociobal, it has been established the noise levels allowed on terraces during the opening hours, which it is until 23:00."
Thus, and with the agreement of both associations, it has been established that "in general the acoustic level allowed is the equivalent of a musical setting"
The Councilor for Citizen Security and Commerce recalled that "we are in an initial stage of restrictions lifting in which prudence and responsibility of all, administration, businessmen and clients must prevail above all." "The pandemic has not been overcome and that is why prudence and responsibility are so necessary, as well as complying with preventive measures," he stressed.
Martínez pointed out that "the Local Police, as it does throughout the year, will control the noise emissions on terraces and that the agreed limits are met." This task is added to the one that is also being carried out by the municipal trade inspectors to "verify that establishments that have resumed the activity are applying the hygiene and safety measures established by the Health Authority".
Some measures that in the case of terraces of hotel establishments are of 50% capacity and to keep the distance of two meters in the distribution of tables and chairs. In addition, there can be no shared-use items such as napkin rings, menus or oilcans on the tables.