This reading challenge, entitled 'If you read a lot, you get a prize', seeks to encourage reading and promote initiatives from the associative network
Benidorm Central Library will reward users who read the most

There will be 10 winners in the Children/Youth category and another 10 in the Adult category
Benidorm Central Library has launched “a reading challenge” to recognise the users who read the most, according to the Councillor for Historical and Cultural Heritage, Ana Pellicer. Under the title ‘If you read a lot, you get a prize’, the aim is “to have a double purpose: to encourage reading and promote initiatives from the Benidorm association network”, as the winners will receive “a unique gift made by social entities in the city”.
Through these gifts, the Councillor explained, “We give visibility to the work carried out by these entities to build a more inclusive and cooperative society while highlighting the creativity and effort behind these objects, whether they are bookmarks, pieces of craftsmanship or other details made by the staff or users of the associations”.
Pellicer pointed out that “the dynamics of this challenge are very simple, as users only have to do one thing: give in to their passion for reading”. Thus, the only requirement to participate in this initiative is to use the Library Network Loan Service.
This challenge will be valid until September and the prizes will be awarded during October coinciding with the celebration of Library Day. There will be ten prizes in the Children and Youth Category for the most frequent readers; and another ten in the Adult Category.
“We are talking about a symbolic initiative that aims to reward and recognize the reading habit; a very healthy habit for the mind and soul and that has a very positive influence on the personal, academic and emotional development of people. And from that premise, giving space to the work of social entities, to emphasize the importance of building a more just, balanced and cooperative society based on equal opportunities,” he said.
‘Àlbum obert, conte contat’, A monthly appointment with oral storytelling and stories
Among the proposals by the Library to promote reading, this month the activity "Àlbum obert, conte contat" is being launched, a proposal designed to immerse the youngest children in the world of oral storytelling and foster their love for books.
Pellicer explained that "this initiative will have a monthly appointment, on the last Tuesday of each month", starting next Tuesday, February 25, at 6:00 p.m. with the oral storyteller Eva Andújar, "recognized for her long career and her ability to transform each story into an immersive experience."
The first session will be held next Tuesday, February 25, and will feature the presence of the storyteller Eva Andújar, recognized for her long career in oral storytelling and her ability to transform each story into an immersive experience. With her warm and expressive style, Eva Andújar will transport attendees to a universe of stories in which words and illustrations combine to bring stories to life.
The councillor has invited families “to join this literary adventure, where stories come to life and imagination has no limits”. Admission is free and limited to capacity.