This meeting, which has the support of the City Council, is part of the 'Llegim als pobles' campaign of the General Directorate of Culture and Heritage
Benidorm brings together the youth literature writer Silvestre Vilaplana and his 4th ESO readers

Students of IES Pere Mª Orts i Bosch secondary school and Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores school shares experiences with the author
Today Benidorm has been a meeting point for the writer of youth literature and poetry Silvestre Vilaplana and his readers, 4th-year ESO students from IES Pere Mª Orts i Bosch and Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores school. This meeting, with which the Department of Historical and Cultural Heritage, directed by Ana Pellicer, collaborates, was held in the Assembly Hall of the City Council and is part of the 'Llegim als pobles' campaign of the General Directorate of Culture and Heritage of the Generalitat Valenciana.
A campaign explained by the councillor, aimed "to increase reading rates through close and direct contact between authors and readers", and which "is very much in tune with the actions of promotion and reading encouragement that we periodically carry out in the Central Library, in which the creators have a fundamental weight”.
The mayor has highlighted "the opportunity" for the young public "to be able to share moments and experiences with an author who, as in this case, previously knows his work, since it is part of the curricular readings." At this point, she recalled that Silvestre Vilaplana, from Alcoy, has accumulated different awards with his works of youth literature 'Les cendres del cavaller' or 'Al-Azraq's gaze'; as well as with his collection of poems 'Calendari dels silencis', 'Els colors del vent' and 'Un altre silence'.
"With this type of meeting - Pellicer deepened - we favor that interrelation and allow the students to solve their doubts or curiosities about the process of creating a novel, or how Silvestre Vilaplana works and imagines his stories and characters, thus awakening their interest for reading and literature.