Shows, theater, music, attractions and the ice rink are some of the scheduled activities, which will culminate with the Three Wise Men Parade on January 5
Benidorm begins the Christmas program this Saturday with the artistic lighting and inauguration of the Christmas House

Benidorm will once again have an extensive Christmas program focused on the youngest members of the family, which will begin this coming Saturday afternoon and will continue until January 6. The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, and the Councilor for Fiestas, Mariló Cebreros, have today presented the Beninadal 2023 program that is born from “the vocation for happiness in the city,” said the first mayor.
Thus, on Saturday at 6 p.m. the Christmas House will be inaugurated in l'Hort de Colón and an hour later the artistic lighting of the city will be turned on, with the epicenter at Plaza de SS MM Reyes de España, which will give way to a great and varied program that includes children's shows, dance, theater, music, mechanical attractions, ice rink, Christmas market or the presence of Santa Claus.
There will also be four monumental nativity scenes that will be located in the Plaza de SS MM Reyes de España, the Hall of the City Hall, Casa de Andalucía, and ACR La Barqueta. The nativity scenes can be visited “starting on December 6, depending on each entity,” Pérez indicated.
Furthermore, like every year, the city will receive a visit from the Royal Postman from January 2 to 4 to collect letters from the little ones in the house, and on the 5th the Three Kings Parade will take place. The mayor has advanced that “there will be many surprises that you will realize as you get closer.”
Santa Claus will also be at the Christmas House from December 18 to 24 and boys and girls will be able to bring letters from him, in addition to visiting him.
This year, as announced by the Fiestas Councilor, Benidorm will also have the presence of the figures of the three giant Three Wise Men, although this time they will be located in Foietes Park. “They will be placed on the 7th because they involve a large assembly that will begin on December 5,” said Cebreros, who also announced that “we want them to be in a different place in the city every year to bring the Christmas atmosphere to more places.”