This benefit is financed with funds from the Provincial Council and will reach establishments with up to 15 activities
Benidorm approves new aid of up to 1,000 euros for trade to compensate for the rise in energy

The Local Government Board (JGL) yesterday approved the bases of the new aid of up to 1,000 euros for local businesses to minimize the impact of the rise in energy. The Councilor for Employment and Local Promotion, Mónica Gómez, recalled that this call is aimed at SMEs, micro-SMEs and freelancers and has an endowment of 292,491 euros, which will be financed with funds from the Alicante Provincial Council.
Gómez has indicated that “as we already advanced weeks ago, the local government has decided to direct this aid to trade, as at this precise moment it is the sector that is having the hardest time reaching sales and billing figures similar to those before the pandemic. ”.
The bases approved today, and in the next few days will be published in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP) and on the Notice Board of the website, including "the requirements that the requesting companies or self-employed must meet, as well as the profiles and epigraphs of the businesses that are going to be able to avail themselves of this call for aid”.
Broadly speaking, “the textile, sports, footwear and leather stores will be able to finance these aids; bookstores and stationery stores; furniture and lighting stores; hardware stores; toy stores; florists; pet shops; of second-hand items; laundries and dry cleaners; and hairdressers and beauty salons.
SMEs, micro-SMEs and freelancers who have started their activity before December 31, 2021, who have their fiscal domicile in Benidorm, and whose establishment has the corresponding opening license may apply for this aid. According to the bases approved today, the costs of electricity, gas or fuel directly linked to the activity will be considered eligible expenses. Through this aid, up to 50% of these expenses will be subsidized, with a maximum amount of 1,000 euros. The expenses that are contributed may not have been presented for the obtaining and justification of other public aid.
The Councilor for Employment and Local Promotion has reported that "the deadline for submitting applications will be 15 calendar days and will begin at 09:30 am the day after the publication of the bases and call in the BOP."
The request will be made exclusively online on the website of the City Council:
“We continue to mobilize resources and articulate aid to support the productive fabric of Benidorm as we have been doing since the health crisis was declared, and trying to help minimize the effects that inflation and the increase in energy are having on the economic activity of Benidorm. companies and freelancers, in the same way, that we are serving the general population”, added Gómez.
At this point, the mayor recalled that "with this, there are already three lines of aid promoted by the City Council in the last year to deal with the increase in energy prices." The previous two "focused on caring for families."
Specifically, in August last year, "an extraordinary aid of 150 euros was delivered to the 1,866 beneficiaries of the 2021 family aid, to cover, among others, the expenses derived from the increase in the electricity bill." Recently, another aid has been launched "in this case for people over 65 years of age and whose payment has been approved today".
List of CNAE's that can benefit from aid to the commercial sector
4475 Retail trade of cosmetic products
4751 Retail trade of textiles in specialized establishments.
4752 Retail sale of hardware, paint and glass in specialized establishments.
4759 Retail trade of furniture, lighting equipment and others.
4761 Retail sale of books in specialized establishments.
4762 Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialized stores.
4764 Retail sale of sporting goods in specialized establishments.
4765 Retail sale of games and toys in specialized establishments.
4771 Retail trade of clothing in specialized establishments.
4772 Retail sale of footwear and leather goods in specialized establishments.
4776 Retail trade of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilizers, pets and food for them in specialized establishments.
4777 Retail trade of watches and jewellery in specialized stores.
4779 Retail sale of second-hand items in specialized establishments.
9601 Washing and cleaning of textile garments and leather.
9602 Hairdressing and other beauty treatments.