To be a beneficiary it will be necessary to be of legal age on December 31, 2023 and be registered in the city
Benidorm approves the bases of the fourth consumption voucher campaign #BenidormTeDaMás

The call allows 65,847 citizens to benefit from five vouchers of 10 euros each, for discounts on purchases of 20 euros or more in participating establishments
The Local Government Board (JGL) of Benidorm City Council has approved today the rules that will govern a new edition, the fourth, of #BenidormTeDaMás consumption bonus campaign, which will run from December 15 to 31. All people registered on December 1, 2023, and who are over 18 years of age on the 31st of this month will be able to benefit from this campaign, as has been advanced by the city's mayor, Toni Pérez, who has indicated that with this campaign “we fulfil our commitment to continue supporting families and our business fabric.”
The financial allocation enabled by the City Council for this fourth #BenidormTeDaMás campaign amounts to 2,097,278 euros and will allow 65,847 citizens of Benidorm to benefit from it with five bonuses of ten euros each. Of that amount, the Provincial Council of Alicante contributes 647,278 euros and the City Council, the remaining 1,450,000 euros.
Tomorrow, Friday, December 8, the deadline opens for local establishments that wish to join the campaign, for which they will have until December 29, although their participation in the campaign will be effective at that time. in which the Department of Commerce confirms your license status or pending file. Last year, the number of establishments participating in #BenidormTeDaMás was 678, as reported by the Councilor for Commerce, Javier Jordá.
In the case of citizens who want to obtain their vouchers, the deadline begins on the 15th at 9:00 a.m. to download the consumer vouchers and exchange them. In any case, the City Council will make the email available to citizens to resolve any questions or incidents that may arise. Likewise, starting on the 15th, public service hours will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the municipal Assembly Hall.
The rules also indicate that even if the beneficiaries have participated in previous consumer bonus campaigns, they must register and register on the website Thus, once inside the website, you will have to access the Consumer Area where the user must register, provide the DNI or NIF and set a password. Once registration is complete, you can request your vouchers from there or download them in PDF format and print them if you wish.
From the BuyBono mobile application – available in the Play Store and Apple Store – bonuses can also be requested once users have registered on the website. To do this, they must install it on their mobile device and access their Private Area from the Consumers section, entering the ID and password with which they registered on the website.
Once this step is completed, you will be able to download the consumer vouchers. The application will create the QR code of the vouchers and offer all the information about them so that during the campaign the beneficiary can consult the vouchers they have redeemed and the establishment or service where they did so.
Furthermore, from the 'app' itself, users will be able to enter their profile and view the list of participating Benidorm establishments in which to redeem the vouchers. This feature is also available on the web.
The Councilor for Commerce has indicated that, as in previous editions, the same dynamic is maintained. That is, beneficiaries will be able to download a maximum of five vouchers of 10 euros each to exchange at participating establishments. The vouchers will be used as a discount on purchases and drinks equal to or greater than 20 euros in the establishments and services participating in the campaign, with the voucher payment not being able to exceed 50% of the purchase, Jordá detailed.
For his part, Mayor Toni Pérez has stressed that with this campaign “we fulfil our commitment to continue supporting families and our business fabric in our city.” Pérez has stated that Benidorm "injects a significant amount of its resources into these consumption bonds, adding them to the subsidy granted by the Provincial Council, because we believe that it is a very beneficial measure for citizens and companies."
“The Christmas voucher has many more positive things than a simple voucher because the business reinforces its turnover for the end of the year, the city gains atmosphere and our neighbours can buy on very important dates,” defended Pérez, who has delved into which “all people over 18 years of age will be able to benefit from this bonus under equal conditions until December 31.”
Pérez has indicated that “given the good results of the previous editions of #BenidormTeDaMás, we adopt the commitment to continue this consumer voucher initiative, in which our city was a pioneer and which has been replicated, with certain differences, in the majority of towns in the province of Alicante.”