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The plenary session agrees to continue the public garden maintenance service contract until the next tender, which is expected before the end of the year

Benidorm approves the award of the Bus Station to the only offer that was submitted to the tender

31 July 2023
Pleno Julio 2023

The plenary session of the Benidorm City Council has approved by majority the award of the city's Bus Station to the only offer that was submitted to the tender, the company Estación de Autobuses de Benidorm S.L., which had submitted an integrated offer for the three lots that went out to tender. The approval has occurred given the proposal made by the Contracting Board, which estimated that the bidder's offer complied with the provisions of the Administrative Clauses and Technical Specifications. The proposal has gone ahead with the favorable votes of the PP government, the municipal group of Vox, and the abstention of the socialist group.

The bidder's offer concerning the first lot, corresponding to the service of the station, stipulates an initial exploitation fee of 516,647.32 euros and an annual exploitation fee of 2% of the annual gross income. For the second lot, the real estate exploitation of the shopping center and the first floor of the underground car park, the offered exploitation fee is 9.1 million euros and the annual exploitation fee is 1% of the annual gross income. The third lot, which corresponds to the operation of the hotel and floor 2 of the underground car park, establishes an initial exploitation fee of 14.9 million and an annual exploitation fee of 1.2% of the annual gross income.

The local government spokesperson, Lourdes Caselles, recalled that the specifications were drawn up by the technicians and approved by a large majority of the corporation. “A single offer was presented, integrating the three lots, and once the exploitation project was analyzed, the corresponding technical report was issued, indicating that the offer complies with the specifications. Today we bring the proposal of the Contracting Committee, which is the one that politicians have to pronounce on ”she explained, before specifying that“ what we are doing is complying with a sentence that forced a new tender ”.

The councilor has stressed that "our group has never sat down with the manager of the station while the socialist government did." She recalled that in May 2015 there was a finalized file to go to a full session, "but the socialist government of that time was not brave and we have been the ones who, to comply with the sentence, have continued with the process." The mayor has stated on several occasions that "neither the mayor nor I, as a councilor for Urban Planning or Contracting, never participate in the joint commissions, so we cannot allow any doubts to be left about this file, which has the approval of all the reports”.

Finally, Caselles has criticized that the socialist group “says that the specifications are made to measure when they voted in favor. In this whole matter they have only put sticks in the wheels ”. “The alternative is to leave the tender void and compensate the bidder with 24.5 million euros. This government will ensure full compliance with the specifications. Rest assured ”she has settled.

In the same way, the continuity of the maintenance service contract for public gardens in Benidorm has been approved by a majority in the same terms included in the specifications at the time of the award, for an annual amount of 1,198,480 euros.

On this point, the Councilor for Parks and Gardens, José Ramón González de Zárate, has clarified that the fact of giving continuity to the service contract "is not because we do not want to have the new specifications or that we have been delayed, but that there are very important issues of the city that have to be carefully studied by the technicians so that they adjust to the reality of Benidorm”. The mayor has added that "in September or October we will be able to have the specifications drawn up and the intention is to approve it in full before the end of the year to start the tender."

González de Zárate has insisted that there are "many new aspects and newly created green spaces" that have to be included and updated in the specifications "and that is what the technicians are working on right now."

The plenary session also approved, with the votes of PP and Vox, the addendum to the urban development agreement of the PAI PP 2/1 Poniente Interior Reform Plan, relating to the plot for the construction of an athletics track, which was declared of interest social. The developer must undertake the physical transformation and leveling of the plot to adapt it so that the track can be developed there.

This facility will be paid for with financial compensation for the transfer of endowment land and the use that corresponds to the City Council derived from the PRI for 1,502,490.99 euros and two other Poniente Interior Reform Plans. The agreement also states that the track construction works, given that it exceeds the obligations of the developer agent included in the addendum, "will be tendered by the City Council once the land preparation works on the affected plot have been completed." Caselles has indicated.

The initial modification of Article 10, third paragraph, of the Internal Regulations of the Neighborhood Council, has also been approved, with regard exclusively to the composition of the technical commissions, after the Environment and Street Cleaning Commission, a Commission will be added of Participation, Study and Analysis Regulation, Normative and Procedural'. The mayor Ana Pellicer explained that "it is a procedure that we fully approve because the Neighborhood Council transfers it to us."

Likewise, the expropriation agreement by mutual agreement of a plot for the development of the work of Vial Discotecas has gone ahead unanimously. The spokesperson has indicated that the reason for this new expropriation has its origin in the fact that “the Ministry forced us to modify the route of the livestock route and that is why we needed more land. Specifically, six new farms that were not included in the expropriation project, and that are now included by mutual agreement and thus can comply with the environmental assessment. With this, we finalize the acquisition of these lands”.

With the votes of PP and PSOE and the abstention of Vox, the Zonal Strategic Plan for Social Welfare of Benidorm 2023-2026 has also been approved. The councilor for the area, Ángela Zaragozí, has indicated that this plan will be "a dynamic reference instrument that sets the strategic lines, objectives, and actions necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes of the Valencian Public System of Social Services". Ella Zaragozí has insisted that the plan "will allow a diagnosis of the situation and establish the necessary actions to have the maximum effectiveness and efficiency to give the best care to people." The mayor has insisted that what is indicated by the law "which establishes the obligation of local entities to develop and have these strategic plans" will be complied with.

Finally, in the same session, the start of the procedure for granting distinctions and decorations by the Generalitat was unanimously approved, public congratulations, to the local police officers of Benidorm, Javier Jiménez Simarro and Jesús López Moreno, for their intervention on the past 20 June when they attended a birth on public roads, due to the haste with which the delivery occurred, assisting mother and baby until the arrival of the health services and subsequent transfer of both to the hospital.