The sample is sponsored by the City Council and Rotary Club and can be visited until December 9
Boca del Calvari Museum dedicates to the almadraba an exhibition of engravings created by the students of Les Talaies occupational center

Boca del Calvari Museum is once again the space from which Benidorm claims and evokes its past linked to the art of almadraba, this time with an exhibition of 50 engravings made by the students of the occupational center Les Talaies de Villajoyosa. The mayor, Toni Pérez, opened this afternoon the exhibition 'L'Almadrava, labyrinth of looks', in an act that has been the councilor of Historical Heritage, Ana Pellicer, and members of the local government; and in which they have participated, among others, the director of the Association of Disabled Persons of Villajoyosa (ASMIVI), Ginés Lloret; the president of the Rotary Club, Antonio Garay; the curator of the show, Ángeles Ruiz; and the professor of the University of Alicante José Piqueras.
The engravings have been made using the technique of the 'collagraph' by the users of the artistic workshop of Les Talaies directed by Vicenta Llinares, who has shared the opening of the exhibition with the students and the director of the occupational center, Nieves Llopis. Before starting the creative process, Professor Francesc Llorca Ibi -recognized this year with the Cultural Distinction 'Ciutat de Benidorm'- introduced the students to the world of almadraba.
The mayor has indicated that through this exhibition "Benidorm continues to show how much the almadraba gave us", and does so "with high quality engravings" and that they should "be visible" in the main museum of the city. Perez pointed out that lighting this exhibition proposed by the Rotary Club has been "a challenge" stimulating and rewarding, and added that these engravings are a reflection of "the incessant work carried out by the Les Talaies occupational center. From the Rotary Club, its president has emphasized that the work done by the students in the engraving workshop is "a work of a level that must be exhibited". Something that has coincided Professor Piqueras, who has stressed that it is "works of extraordinary quality" and "full of color and joy."
The president of ASMIVI thanked the collaboration of all parties involved in this exhibition that "combines two arts such as almadraba and engraving" and also "two locations: Benidorm and Villajoyosa". In this regard, the curator of the exhibition pointed out that "it is very particular" that the sample be developed in "the place of origin of most of the almadraba captains" that have set this fishing gear in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic , and that it has gestated in the neighboring town that is "place of origin of trappers of almadrabas".
'L'almadrava, labyrinth of glances' can be visited in Boca del Calvari until December 9 at the museum's usual time.