Benidorm expands its offer as DTI and makes it easier for tourists to book and read at their hotel

The councils of Historical Heritage, Tourism and the Library Network have launched the project "Booking Books" to facilitate access to tourists of any book or document available in the catalog of municipal libraries. About 30 establishments among hotels and campsites in the city have joined a program that will allow their clients to have books at their hotel, from the day of their arrival.
Last past, a working meeting took place between municipal technicians and the establishments integrated in SICTED (Spanish Integral System of Tourist Quality in Destination) to present the project and finalize its implementation. All the establishments integrated in SICTED are invited to participate in this project which, in its basic lines, consists of making available to the final customer of these establishments, the possibility of reserving, at home or during their stay, one or several works of their interest that are within the library catalog of Benidorm. This book or magazine would be available to the client of the establishment from the day of his arrival in Benidorm. However, the customer can also make their loans without prior reservation through the "Bookfriendly" card that can be requested at the establishment adhered to the project.
Booking Books ", born in the meetings of creativity of the Smart Tourist Destination, is a project based on the conjugation of two factors: leisure and reading. The final objective is to offer the tourist an extended offer of leisure based on reading and cultural consumption.
The establishments affiliated to provide this service are:
• Hotel Benilux Park
• Hotel Les Dunes Comodoro
• Bilbaino Hotel
• Hotel Agua Azul
• Alameda Hotel
• Carlos I Hotel
• Hotel Centro Mar
• Hotel Canfali
• Royal Hotel
• Hotel Sol
• Victoria Hotel
• Hotel La Estación
• Hotel Gran Hotel Bali
• Hotel Delfin
• Corona del Mar Hotel
• Hotel Don Pancho
• Hotel Helios
• Madeira Hotel
• Hotel Poseidón
• Hotel Poseidón Playa
• Hotel Poseidón Palace
• Hotel Princesa
• Rosamar Hotel
• Camping Villasol
• Camping Villamar
• Camping Arena Blanca
• Campìng Armanello
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