In this new stage, the body gains professional profiles
Visit Benidorm incorporates the former president of Hosbec Toni Mayor and professor Josep Ivars into its board of trustees

Visit Benidorm Foundation is going to incorporate the former president of the Hosbec Hotel Association Toni Mayor and the professor at the University of Alicante and member of the University Institute of Tourism Research Josep Ivars to its board, according to what the mayor, Toni Pérez, announced today. The proposal, which refers to the trustees designated by the City Council, will be voted on in the next plenary session after last August the Corporation approved the new composition of the Benidorm Tourism Foundation of the Valencian Community.
Specifically, this agreement states that four of the ten trustees of the Foundation at the proposal of the City Council will be people of "recognized competence and experience about the tourism sector", thus reducing the presence of political officials in the body and increasing the number of people “professional profile”.
Thus, Toni Mayor and Josep Ivars join the former president of the association Pere Joan Devesa, and Francisco Juan, director of the Tourism Center (CdT) 'Domingo Devesa', who were already part of the previous association and who will continue to occupy a position in the body in this new administrative stage.
After recalling that “the board of trustees is the supreme body of the Foundation”, the mayor pointed out that “in an increasingly competitive scenario it is very convenient to incorporate more professional voices into our public-private collaboration tourism project with their contributions, knowledge, and vision enrich the debate and contribute accurately to decision-making.”
The Board of trustees is completed with three councilors from the municipal group of the Popular Party -Ana Pellicer, Aida García Mayor, and Lourdes Caselles-, a councilor from the socialist group -Cristina Escoda- and another from Vox -José Miguel San Martín-.