‘A certain Quixote’ play shows young people from all the secondary schools in the city a fun and agile review of the classic by Miguel de Cervantes
Nearly 700 ESO and Baccalaurate students come to the theatre with the ‘Joves Espectadors’ cycle

The ‘Joves Espectadors’ cycle promoted by the Culture and Education departments of Benidorm City Council has brought nearly 700 Secondary and High School students from the city to the theatre over the last few days, with the performance of the play ‘Un tal Quijote’, by Marcel Tomàs for the Cascai Teatre company. The cycle started on Wednesday until tomorrow, Friday, with different performances both in educational centres and in the Cultural Centre of the city, where the last performances aimed at students will take place.
The Councillors for Culture and Education, Jaime Jesús Pérez and Maite Moreno, have visited the auditorium of the IES Bernat de Sarrià today to accompany the students in one of these performances. There, they could see first-hand “the great reception that this initiative has among the students of our municipality and among the educational centres themselves, which year after year continue to participate in it”, as they have highlighted after the play.
‘A certain Quixote’ is a humorous and multidisciplinary proposal that takes the original work of Don Quixote de la Mancha as a starting point to explain the relationship between two unconditional friends who, despite their differences, travel the world living together adventures as crazy as possible. In this way, Marcel Tomàs and Cascai Teatre bring to the younger public what is considered by many to be the literary work par excellence of Spanish literature, famous internationally, through a work that speaks to us of freedom, of complicity, of the fight to achieve one’s dreams without being afraid of being different from the rest
Among the students participating in this cycle there are students from the five public institutes of Benidorm –Beatriu Fajardo, Bernat de Sarrià, L’Almadrava, Pere Maria Orts i Bosch, Mediterrània– and from the concerted center Nuestra Señora de los Dolores.