De Zárate informs the neighbors that the area will be completely re-urbanized in this municipal legislature
Benidorm will carry out the works on Montecarlo Avenue between May and June

One more Thursday, the campaign 'A pie de calle' focuses on one of the neighborhoods of Benidorm, specifically in Rincón de Loix, where the heads of Citizen Participation and Public Space, Ana Pellicer and José Ramón González de Zárate, have travelled , to explain to representatives of the Neighborhood Council and the neighborhood associations of the area the performances that are being carried out or will start soon.
The tour began in Ametlla de Mar and has passed through the avenues: Paris, Montecarlo, Estocolmo and Roma that make up the axis of municipal interventions in the coming months and that will reach "the slopes of Serra Gelada", said González de Zárate.
"We started on Ametlla de Mar avenue", he recalled. Later it has been extended on Londres street, Alcalde Manuel Catalán Chana, París and in the next few days “we are going to perform in Rome”. Continuing, the councillor has announced that the Municipal Technical Services are already working on Rotterdam street project and has announced that "during this month of May and June", Montecarlo Avenue will see " completely repaired ”the section that connects Londres and Berlin streets.
The Councilor for Public Space has specified that at the moment "a provisional repair" will be carried out, focused on the "small details" such as loose tiles or tree pits because the integral redevelopment of the avenue requires previously the completion of the works of the collectors rainwater from Paris, Roma or Rotterdam avenues.
The correct execution of the works requires that they be carried out “from the bottom up”, González de Zárate has clarified, that is why we must wait for them to conclude to start the integral project of MonteCarlo. Of course, the councilor has announced that this will finally be executed "next year" because it is "a commitment of the Government team that in this legislature everything is urbanized."
For its part, the Councilor for Citizen Participation has valued "the tandem between neighbors and municipal administration", an effective collaboration to publicize "the future project" for the city that takes place "street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood and week by week ”with the campaing 'A pie de calle'.
Some meetings, Pellicer has emphasized, are highly "positive and enriching" thanks to "the great contributions made by the neighbors" and also for "the feedback" that is generated "every time we explain or send them the new actions regarding the works that are going to be carried out in each of the neighborhoods ”, she has made clear.