Benidorm silently cries out before the last sexist crime that happened yesterday in Madrid

This afternoon a minute of silence has been kept at the gates of Benidorm City Council, in protest for the sexist crime of yesterday afternoon, in Madrid, in which a woman was murdered in the street and in the presence of her younger daughters for her ex-partner .
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, and the Councilor for Equality, Ángela Zaragozí, have led the silent concentration in memory of the fourth woman murdered in just 48 hours in Spain, the forty-first of 2019. In the act there were also members present of the three groups with representation in the corporation, public workers and neighbors.
The department of Equality, has emphasized that women who feel threatened can go to municipal services. It has also influenced the usefulness of the toll-free telephone number against sexist violence, 016, which allows the victim to be treated in 52 languages and leaves no trace on the telephone bill, although it is advised to delete it from the call log in fixed or mobile devices to leave no trace after use.