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The mayor transfers to Fitur the conclusions of a study by the 'Pedro Zaragoza' Chair of Tourism Studies

Benidorm Fest leaves a direct economic impact of 1.5 million in the city, while the media impact exceeds 80

24 January 2024
El Benidorm Fest deja en la ciudad un impacto económico directo de 1,5 millones, mientras que el mediático supera los 80

Benidorm Fest leaves an estimated direct economic impact of 1.5 million euros in the city, according to the report prepared by Pedro Zaragoza Chair of Tourism Studies. A report that places the media impact above 80 million euros and whose conclusions were presented today by the mayor, Toni Pérez, during the International Tourism Fair (FITUR), which at its start also served as a stage to present a new edition of the gastronomic initiative 'Tapa Fest'.

The study 'Estimation of the economic and media impact of Benidorm Fest' has been prepared based on the information collected, prepared and analyzed by professionals linked to the Chair. Among the data used in the study, were those related to tourist overnight stays or expenses recorded in Benidorm during the week of the event through card payments.

These latest data, the mayor specified, "confirm that during the celebration of Benidorm Fest 2023, there was an increase in commercial activity compared to the weeks before and after and also compared to the same period last year."

But, also, “this increase reached all sectors.” Thus, the average growth was 23.49%, with percentages ranging from 9.86% for food to 51.01% for hotels and travel.

The estimate of the physical economic impact also points out that in terms of occupancy, without counting the technical and artistic staff of the event, the direct demand for the Benidorm Fest in 2023 was around 1,000 people; and that the average expenditure of tourists who travelled and stayed in the city to experience the festival and the parallel activities that were organized was 232 euros per person per day.

The study also takes into account people who moved to Benidorm but did not spend the night in the city: the so-called excursionists. In their case, the average expense was 68 euros per day per person.

With all these figures in hand, the direct economic impact of the Benidorm Fest in the city was 1,493,214 euros, an amount that according to the study "serves to compensate for the monetary investment made by the local council", which amounts to 250,000 euros. and “also part of the regional financing.”

The mayor has stressed that “the profitability of the event, more than confirmed, certified and justified, does not stop there, since in addition to the direct economic impact, the Benidorm Fest has a brutal media impact, for the event itself and also for the Benidorm destinations. and Comunitat Valenciana”.

After the compilation and analysis of impacts and presence, the study concludes that “the economic impact generated in the digital ecosystem related to the Benidorm Fest event has been almost 55 million euros”, 54,962,884 euros to be exact. Added to this is that generated by the media - television and press -, which "amounts to more than 25 million euros." In total, 80,590,670 euros.

Aside from this economic estimate of the media impact, the study ensures that the exposure that the event represents for the city, which lasts until April, “enables Benidorm's business activity to remain high during more periods of the year, increasing the closeness and interest towards new target audiences.”

In this regard, the mayor has specified that "we are talking, therefore, that there is an immediate impact in economic and image terms that lasts well beyond the week that the Fest lasts" and "also and no less important, that the "The impact of the festival can generate a return and opportunity in the future - whether short, medium or long term - by making it easier for the destination to reach new audience profiles."

Toni Pérez has stressed that "at this point, no one can doubt that the Benidorm Fest is a success at all levels: cultural, social, tourist, media... The tandem of Benidorm City Council, Generalitat Valenciana and RTVE has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate that the "Work and enthusiasm with which we have worked on this already consolidated project has a real and tangible impact, which results in the general interest."

Likewise, he assured that "starting this coming Sunday, when we kick off the entire Benidorm Fest programme, the city will once again show its best face and give a good example of why we are a benchmark in tourism. in hospitality and in giving happiness.”

The second edition of Tapa Fest

After the success of the I Benidorm Fest Tapas Contest, in which 18 restaurant establishments prepared tapas at special prices, Abreca (Association of Bars, Restaurants and Cafes), with the support of the Benidorm City Council and the Generalitat Valenciana, promotes starting this Friday its second edition.

The vice president of Abreca, Álex Fratini, has announced that on this occasion there will be 21 establishments that until February 4 will offer customers culinary proposals inspired by the Benidorm Fest and of which today a small preview has been seen during the 'show. cooking' held in Fitur.

Specifically, in the 'Exiquisit Mediterrani' space of Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, the chef of the Malaspina restaurant, Roberto Atzeni, has shown the tapa that the establishment has prepared for the 'Tapa Fest': 'Take life with salt'.

The Councilor for Festivals and Events, Jesús Carrobles; the director of Communication and Participation of RTVE, María Eizaguirre; and the vice president of Abreca, among others, have attended this 'cooking show'.

The 'Tapa Fest' Contest will be very similar to last year since it will be the public "with their votes through a QR code" that will decide the winning culinary proposal. Among all the participants, “two tickets will be raffled off to attend the Benidorm Fest final,” on February 3, explained Fratini, who stressed that this year the initiative is growing in the number of establishments.

In addition to Malaspina restaurant, the establishments Cervecería l'Abadia, Dni Ibéricos, El Bodegón, El lineage de Castilla, El Mesón, El Puerto, El Esturió, La Braseria Aurrerá, La Cava Aragonesa, La Marina Arrocería, La Tabernita del Sur, La Tapería Aurrerá, Los Peces, Mia Social Club, Molta Pasta, Pinocchio Playa, Pintxos Aurrerá, Taberna Andaluza, Tapería La Mina and Zarzosa.

Fratini has invited residents and tourists to try the 'tapas', "all of them very good" for 3 euros.

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