The trip is organized by the parish community of San Jaime and Santa Ana, with the collaboration of the City Council and Comissió de Festes Majors Patronals
The patroness saint of Benidorm returns this Saturday the visit to the Mare de Déu dels Desamparats

The patroness saint of Benidorm, Virgen del Sufragio, will return this Saturday, October 20, to Valencia, 70 years after her first trip to the capital of Túria. With this visit corresponds to the patroness saint of Valencia, who recently moved to Benidorm and remained in the parish of San Jaime and Santa Ana for a week. The trip is organized by the Parish Council of the Church of San Jaime and Santa Ana, with the collaboration of the City Council and the Comissió de Festes Majors Patronals.
The mayor, Toni Pérez, and the councilman of Fiestas, Jesús Carrobles, will accompany the patroness on her trip to Valencia with the Comissió de Festes, the Queens and Ladies, the parish community of San Jaime and Santa Ana and Camareres de la Mare de Déu, among others. At least six buses will travel to Valencia.
The procession of Benidorm will make a small pilgrimage and offering of flowers to the patroness saint of Valencia, after which the vicar of the parish of San Jaime and Santa Ana, Estanislao Trives, will officiate a mass in the Basilica of the capital.