It will be on Wednesday, April 24 with presentations and round tables to share the challenges and new needs of companies
A conference to promote Dual Vocational Training next week in Benidorm

Next week, the Assembly Hall of the Benidorm City Council will host an information day on Dual Vocational Training, organized by the Department of Employment and Local Development. The councillor for the department, Mónica Gómez, announced all the details of this event, scheduled for Wednesday, April 24, and which aims to “promote this training modality in our city as an opportunity for the future in Benidorm and the Marina "Baixa."
Mónica Gómez explained that Dual FP is “a modality that is carried out on an alternating basis” between educational centres and companies, which allows students to “adapt as much as possible to the employment needs of the area and improve their employability as much as possible.”
The 'Dual FP, Future Opportunity' conference is "open to the participation of all members of the public who may be interested in learning about the types of training cycles that exist, as well as the exits and opportunities they offer for access to the labour market", according to Gomez.
The program will begin at 9:30 a.m. with the reception and presentation of the day. The first of the presentations will take place between 09:45 and 10:45 am, by the general director of Vocational Training of the Generalitat Valenciana, Marta Armendia Santos, with the title 'The new challenges of Vocational Training'.
Next, between 10:45 and 11:45 a.m., a round table has been scheduled in which representatives of the main business associations of Benidorm and Marina Baixa will participate, where 'The new needs of companies' will be addressed. The profiles of workers they need. At the closing of this table, the general director of the Valencian Business Confederation (CEV), Inma García, will speak about the importance of FP for companies, after which a general round of requests and questions will be opened. Finally, at 12:15 p.m., there will be an activity called 'Café-Meeting Vocational Training and Business', where attendees will share knowledge, experiences and concerns.
The Councilor for Employment also announced that apart from this day and other activities carried out by the municipal areas of Employment and Education to promote Dual Vocational Training, next May the Educational and Fair Fair will also be held. Regional Vocational Training Council, with the aim that participating students can “select the training that best suits both their personal preferences and the needs of companies.”