The speed is reduced to 10 km/h and the old stop disappears in Emilio Ortuño in order to end traffic jams
Benidorm ends the renewal of Primavera Street with a new bus stop and change of traffic direction

Primavera Street has already premiered its new image once the road renewal works have ended, which have included an improvement of sidewalks to facilitate pedestrian mobility, the creation of a great bus stop for school, and discretionary transport and discretionary A change in the sense of traffic, which is now just down in the direction of Emilio Ortuño, so it cannot be accessed from this route.
This action was intended to end the traffic jams that occurred regularly on Emilio Ortuño Street due to discretionary and school transport. The new stop, located in the lower part of Primavera Street, has led to the suppression of the stop in Emilio Ortuño. The motorcycle parking that existed on the right sidewalk has moved to the left side of the road and Emilio Ortuño. Likewise, the speed of vehicles that transit through that section is limited to 10 kilometers per hour.
It is an intervention "agreed with the Mobility Council and with the residents of the neighborhood" as indicated by José Ramón González de Zárate, Councilor for Mobility, who recalled that “until now the retaining traffic withholdings on Emilio Ortuño due to urban and school transport due to the existence of nine hotels and three or four tourist apartment buildings and the school stops ”. With this work, he insisted, "we intend to end these problems by moving the stop from one place to another, and at the same time we won safety due to speed reduction."
The Councilor for Mobility finally specified that the new bus stop "is completely accessible, approved, with marquee and has a pedestrian crossing from behind for the transit of pedestrians."