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Foietes Park has been the scene of this activity, which the mayor has inaugurated with the verses of 'El sarg vell' by Miquel Pérez Zaragoza from Benidorm

Benidorm commemorates Valencian Literature Day with a reading of poems with a hundred secondary school students

20 November 2023
Benidorm conmemora el Dia de les Lletres Valencianes con una lectura de poemas junto a un centenar de alumnos de Secundaria

Benidorm City Council commemorated this Monday the Day of Valencian Literature with a public reading of poems in Valencian that this year took place in the Parc de Foietes. The activity, organized by the Department of Historical and Cultural Heritage, was led by different councilors from the Municipal Corporation and more than a hundred first and third-year ESO students from the Mediterrània Institute in Benidorm.

The mayor of the town, Toni Pérez, was in charge of welcoming the students who participated in this public reading, and, in addition, he was the one who read the first verses of the morning. Specifically, those that make up the poem 'El sarg vell' by Miquel Pérez Zaragoza from Benidorm, Miquel 'la Panadera'.

Next, other poems recited by both students and councilors of the Benidorm City Council have been interspersed, among which the verses of authors of all time and as recognized in the Valencian language as Ausiàs March, Vicent Andrés Estellés, Miquel Martí i have resonated. Pol, Maria Beneyto, Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas, Àngels Gregori and Marc Granell, among others.

As a novelty, this year the activity has been moved to Foietes Park, in front of the mural recovered from the old Selomar Hotel; a mural that was restored by the City Council and that has been visible for several weeks on one of the perimeter walls of this large green area.

After the public reading, the IES Mediterrànea students also participated in a talk by Aitor Muñoz about the use of Valencian on social networks to “discover how our Valencian language is a very rich and useful vehicle of expression in this new form of communication".

The Councilor for Historical and Cultural Heritage, Ana Pellicer, thanked the teachers and students of IES Mediterrània for their involvement in this activity “which contributes to giving visibility to the Valencian.”

Benidorm conmemora el Dia de les Lletres Valencianes con una lectura de poemas junto a un centenar de alumnos de Secundaria