Territorial Alliance for the Employment in the Marina Baixa
By this project, employment policies will be developed at the regional level, with the aim of public administrations working in coordination with the most representative social and economic agents of the region, to compensate for inequalities to improve employability, quality of employment and productivity.
Through Labora there is a subsidy to finance projects derived from territorial agreements on employment and participatory local development. This program is financed with 194,541.66 euros, from the State Public Employment Service, and will run until December 31, 2024.
This project brings together the 18 municipalities in the Marina Baixa Region, CCOO, UGT and CEV, to carry out initiatives aimed at improving the labour insertion of priority groups, as well as promoting specialized vocational training. and business management capacity.
The basis of the selection process for this program is published on Benidorm City Council notice board, on April 12, 2023.
Benidorm City Council holds the Presidency of the Territorial Alliance for the Employment in the Marina Baixa and Benimantell the Vice-Presidency.
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- @PacteOcupacioMB (Twitter)