Window Transparency
Window Transparency is an initiative of the City Council of Benidorm to comply with an acquired comminment by the Municipal Council, so that the public has full knowledge of the assets and the compensation received by their representatives. As its name dogs, this service aims to make the most possible transparent governance and consolidate the principles of ethics and honesty as fundamental elements of political work.
- Organización Municipal
- Normativa
- Índice de Transparencia Internacional España (ITA)
- Acceso a la información pública
- Sueldos Corporación Municipal
- Registro de Intereses y Bienes de Altos Cargos
- Cargos de Confianza
- Información Económica de Interés
- Código Ético de Buen Gobierno
- Plenos | Comisiones Informativa | Juntas de Gobierno (Video Acta)
- Planes y Programas Municipales
- Benidorm en cifras
- Convenios
- Licitaciones
- Contratos Menores
- Decretos
- Sentencias