Youth organizes a leisure monitor course

The course, 310 hours, will be held at weekends from March 25 to May 24
The department of Youth has organized a course for children and youth leisure time, training to work in camps, summer schools and school canteens, among others, and is aimed at young people between 18 and 35 years. The councilor of the area, Ana Pellicer, explained that it is a theoretical-practical course of 310 hours duration. Of these, "150 hours are lectures with a maximum of 33 in non-presential", while "the remaining 160 hours are practical, including the development of a report."
Pellicer has indicated that "the general objectives" of this course are "to analyze the educational context of the sociocultural animation; defining the monitor's function; learning the design and programming of activities; providing resources and techniques for action; and training for the development of activities. " The contents of the course are structured in three blocks: activities of education in free time, group and educational processes, and techniques and resources of animation.
The course will be held from March 25 to May 24 during the weekends. The councilor has clarified that it has been decided to give this course on Saturdays and Sundays "looking for the gaps that may have students and workers." Thus, on Saturdays the hours will be from 09.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 21.00 hours, and on Sundays from 09.00 to 14.00 hours.
The registration period will be open from March 13 to 17, and the registration can be formalized in the Youth Information Center. The price of the course is 120 euros and there is a maximum of 35 places.