The participation process for the development of the first Benidorm Youth Plan is still open
Youth activates a new communication and information channel through WhatsApp
The Youth department, led by Jaime Jesús Pérez, has activated a new communication and information channel to disseminate among the young population the activities and initiatives that are launched from this and other municipal areas. As the councillor has detailed, “in the different surveys that young people from the municipality have completed on the occasion of the development of the first Benidorm Youth Plan, a percentage of the participants have told us that they receive information about the activities and initiatives promoted by the City Council that may be of interest to you, and hence we have decided to activate a new, more direct means of contact through WhatsApp ”.
Thus, starting this week, a WhatsApp broadcast channel was activated, in which all interested people can register. To do this, just send a message to the number 618529476 in which you put: ALTA JUVENTUD requesting discharge. Later they will receive a welcome message and will become part of the broadcast channel.
Pérez explained that “all relevant information for the young population of Benidorm will be posted on this broadcast channel, such as, for example, employment plans aimed at people under 30 years of age, opportunities in training and education, alternative leisure activities, cultural events, etc. ”. "It is - he added - the same information that we currently transfer via email, on the municipal website or through the account of the Youth Council on social networks Instagram, Twitter and Facebook."
The head of Youth department has indicated that "with this new means of communication we hope to reach as many young people from Benidorm as possible, with the aim that they are constantly informed of the issues and initiatives that affect them or that may be of interest to them."
Likewise, he has invited young people from Benidorm between 12 and 30 years old to "take part in the participation process launched by the City Council for the elaboration of the first Jove Plan of the city". A process that is still open and through which a survey is intended to "collect and respond to the concerns" of the young population and learn about their proposals about what activities to carry out in areas such as education, training or employment. " This telematic survey can be answered at the link: Ayuntamiento/juventud/5_--actividades-juveniles/encuesta-de-participacion-juvenil_.