The collection capacity at this point has been expanded to 15,500 liters
The underground containers on Goya Street are now operational

The Street Cleaning Department of Benidorm City Council with Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas dealer, has put the underground containers on Goya Street back into service, which had been inoperative for some time. At noon today, they were already operational after the work to adapt these elements began at the beginning of the week.
The mayor of the area, Luis Navarro, recalled that "at this point, there were five underground containers, two for organic waste and the rest fraction and three for selective collection of glass, packaging and paper-cardboard." With this action "the number of containers is maintained but at the same time the collection capacity is expanded by 15%." Once the action is completed, the total collection capacity is 15,500 litres.
These new containers, despite being larger, are made with lighter materials, “which reduces weight and simplifies maintenance.”
In addition, the containers intended for selection "have the mailbox attached to the tank, which prevents waste from overflowing into the pit, thus improving the management and cleaning of these underground spaces."
Navarro explained that this action “is part of the work planned for this year in the service project” and is added to those already carried out on Pintor Lozano Street and Plaça de la Senyoria.