The Socialist Group announces its vote in favour despite having been excluded
Toni Pérez creates a commission to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the Town Charter as the one that rejected the PSOE
The socialist municipal group has criticised both the form and the timing of the proposal that Mayor Toni Pérez will take to the next ordinary plenary session in February to create a commission to organise the 700th Anniversary of the Town Charter. Thus, the deputy spokesman, Sergi Castillo, has regretted that the Government team presents this initiative when there are barely four months left until 8 May, the date on which Admiral Bernat de Sarriá granted the founding document of the city, and, in addition, wants to present it in the plenary session without reaching a consensus with the rest of the groups in the corporation. “We are once again faced with this arrogant way of managing from a mayor who is once again late, but very late, to organise the commemorative events of the 700th anniversary of the birth of Benidorm”, he pointed out.
The councillor has announced the favourable vote of the PSOE despite having been excluded, “because Benidorm is above the political strategies of this mayor, because we want the best celebration for our town and because this is an issue that must be above the ego and the prominence that Toni Pérez wants to acquire”.
Likewise, Castillo has criticised that the entire municipal group of the Popular Party, with Mayor Toni Pérez at the head, voted against, in September 2023, the proposal that the socialists brought in which they already proposed the creation of this 700th-anniversary commission to organise a complete, integrative and participatory calendar in time, which would also be a boost in the promotion and dissemination of the history of the city. “They rejected our motion, they refused to add their ideas and now, 16 months later, they are presenting us with a very similar initiative but with very little time to work on it”, he indicated.
A budget item
The councillor regretted that, although the PP has vetoed the opposition groups in the commission, proposals will be presented by the PSOE. In this sense, he has called on the local government to include in the 2025 budget a specific item to cover the events organised for such an important commemoration. “As they are preparing the draft of the municipal accounts, we believe that it is a good time to ask that they reflect this specific item with which to commemorate this anniversary as the people of Benidorm deserve so that the event goes beyond the photos of the mayor meeting with the organising committee”, he stressed.
Finally, Castillo has demanded that Toni Pérez do more management in Benidorm and stop so many trips and photos around the province, giving out prizes and attending meals, and get to work to launch a complete programme of events and activities that highlight this very special anniversary of the Town Charter.