Councilor Francis Muñoz will present in a talk the progress in the city in recent years
Tomorrow Benidorm hosts the II Meeting of AMT Chairs, which will focus on new mobility trends

The event will be held in Torrejó and will bring together prominent professors at the national level
El Torrejó building will host tomorrow the II Meeting of Chairs of the Alliance of Sun and Beach of Tourist Municipalities (AMT), which will address advances in mobility and will be organized by Pedro Zaragoza Orts Chair of Tourism Studies at the University of Alicante. The meeting will begin this afternoon with the arrival of the participants at the hotel.
The opening of the event will be carried out by the mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez and will bring together prominent and recognized chairs at a national level such as the Climent Guitart chair of Lloret de Mar, the chair of Industrial Tourism of the University of Huelva, the chair of the New Green Transition in Tourism and the City of Cullera from the University of Valencia, the UB Chair of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT from the University of Barcelona, the Chair of Tourism, Sustainability and Innovation from Ramón Llull University, CajaCanarias-Ashotel Tourism Chair from the University of La Laguna, the Smart Tourism chair of the UPV and the O-CITY Territori Valencià chair, also of the UPV. The patrons of the Chair of Tourism Studies will also attend; Benidorm City Council, Visit Benidorm, Costa Blanca Provincial Tourist Board, Inavettur and Hosbec.
The program of this II Meeting of AMT Chairs includes conferences and seminars focused on mobility trends, and the presentation of new research, development and innovation topics. After the inauguration and presentation of the attending chairs, the inaugural conference will analyze trends in mobility. Jesús Alba López, CEO of PMUS and CIVIL will talk about 'Low Emission Zones in Spain. The digitalization of mobility and Vicente Mateu Valero, infrastructure and urban mobility professionals will address 'Mobility and urban transformations'.
Then the session called 'Proactive Cities' will begin in which Benidorm will present the measures it is adopting and the results obtained. An intervention that will be carried out by Francis Muñoz, councillor for Public Space, Works, Universal Accessibility and Mobility of Benidorm, will focus on the development of the city in recent years.
In the afternoon there will be a guided tour of Benidorm to complement the explanations that will have been offered in the morning in the 'Proactive Cities' session, a visit that will be illustrated by the City Council's chief engineer, Juan Carlos Sánchez Galiano. “This visit will offer a unique opportunity to explore first-hand the mobility initiatives recently launched by the City Council, which have been awarded several awards at the national level,” said councillor Francis Muñoz, who cited among these initiatives the pedestrian mobility and accessibility project in the southern area of Jaime I (second prize in the Large Cities category of the second edition of the European Mobility Week Awards) or the redevelopment project of Avenida del Mediterráneo (IX Award for Good Local Practices for Climate).