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The city resumes the Cycle of Great Recitals and the Organ Festival and recovers the Microtheater festival in l’Hort de Colón

Theatre, music and exhibitions are the stars of Benidorm's cultural programme in September and October

04 September 2024
Teatro, música y exposiciones protagonizan la programación cultural de Benidorm en septiembre y octubre

Theatre, music and exhibitions of different artistic disciplines will be the protagonists of the cultural programme of Benidorm City Council for September and October, a programme promoted by the Department of Culture and which also has the collaboration of other municipal areas, such as Historical Heritage, Events or Social Welfare. The Councillor for Culture, Jaime Jesús Pérez, has highlighted that “in this new cycle of ‘Benidorm Cultural’ we continue to bet on offering activities for all audiences and with the most varied offer possible, in a range that goes from classical music to digital art”.

Jaime Jesús Pérez has advanced that during these two months “we are going to resume activities that are highly valued by the public and that usually take a short break in July and August, such as the Cycle of Great Recitals or the XII International Organ Festival”, while activities such as the Microtheater in l’Hort de Colón museum, promoted by Historical and Cultural Heritage after its restoration, are being resumed.

As regards the dates of the programme, in the discipline of Theatre, there is a very varied programme planned, which starts this Friday, 6th September, with the Amateur Theatre modality. Specifically, a dramatised reading of ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ will be carried out by Foro Mutis, in the Town Hall Assembly Hall at 8.30 pm, with free admission.

On September 13 and 14, the spotlight will shift to l’Hort de Colón, where the third edition of Microteatro will take place, a competition that was once very successful and which is being revived five years after the second edition following the restoration of this House Museum. It consists of the performance of small plays for a small audience and in venues where the closeness between the acting body and the audience is absolute, with tickets that can already be purchased in advance for 4.5 euros at, where the entire programme for this cycle is also listed.

On September 20, at 8:30 p.m., the Cultural Centre will host a performance of ‘Lo mejor de Yllana’, which reviews the great moments of the career of this company with a selection of the best sketches from many of the comedies produced by Yllana. Tickets to attend this play are already on sale at for 15 euros.

A day later, on September 21 at 6 pm, the auditorium of the Cultural Center will be the stage for another play, in this case, aimed at children and families and in which the Provincial Council of Alicante collaborates. It is the play ‘La bombonería fantástica’, performed by Pàmpol Teatre, and admission is free and open to the public although limited to the capacity, which is 450 seats.

Finally, on October 19, at the Cultural Center, the company Teatro de la Sombra will perform ‘La Dieta’, at 7 pm. Tickets cost 5 euros and are already on sale at

On the musical front, the Oscar Esplá Auditorium in l’Aigüera will host the XXIII Festival Music Composition Competition on September 28 at 8 p.m., run by the Benidorm Musical Union and with free admission.

The Cycle of Great Recitals has three events scheduled for October. On the 4th, at the Church of San Jaime and Santa Ana at 8 p.m., the concert was entitled ‘Claroscuro. Luces y sombras del Siglo de Oro’ will be performed by the Capella de Ministrers. On October 18, in the Town Hall’s Assembly Hall, the soprano Marlene Aquino will pay her ‘Tribute to Maria Callas’. Finally, on October 24th, at 7 pm and in the Auditorium of the Music Conservatory, there will be a concert by the soloists of the Inter-Center Competition and the Chamber Music Group of the José Pérez Barceló Municipal Professional Music Conservatory of Benidorm. In all three cases, admission is free and subject to capacity.

As regards the XII International Organ Festival, on October 25th the Church of San Jaime and Santa Ana will host an organ and trumpet concert at 8 pm featuring Benantzi Bilbao, Saúl Rubio and Javier Alcaraz.

Finally, as regards the musical programme, the last event will be on October 27th, at 6 pm, in the auditorium of the Cultural Centre, with the ‘Concert de Festes Majors’ by the Socitat Musical l’Illa de Benidorm, within the Cultural Week of Festes Majors Patronals.

‘Benidorm Cultural’ in September and October also includes three presentations. The first of these is on September 10th in the Assembly Hall of the City Council, where the ‘Recopilatorio Manchego de Tramontana’ will be presented by Tramontana Association, starting at 8 pm. A day later, on September 11th, the Torrejó Municipal Centre will host the presentation of the ‘Poikilía Magazine’ by the Association of Paragraphs and Viñetas starting at 7 pm.

Finally, on October 15th, in the same space and at the same time, the book ‘Historia de un ensueño’ by Christian Champagne will be presented.

Finally, there will also be a varied exhibition offer, the first proposal of which, ‘Evoluciones’ by Alejandro J. González Cortés, was inaugurated yesterday in the lobby of the Town Hall. It can be visited in the mornings until September 24th.

Between 21 and 27 September,  Casa del Fester will host the exhibition ‘Colores de la Memoria’, promoted by AFA-Marina Baixa in collaboration with the Department of Social Welfare. In addition, from 15 October to 6 November, the exhibition ‘Arte Digital’ by Armando Valero Baeza will be inaugurated and will be displayed in the lobby of the Town Hall.

To complete this offer, the collection of photographs by Alberto García-Alix entitled ‘Under this light that drags my gaze to the shadows’, promoted by the area of ​​Historical and Cultural Heritage, will continue to be on display at the Museu Boca del Calvari. It will be open until 17 November.

Jaime Jesús Pérez has invited all citizens to “participate and enjoy all the activities we have prepared for these two months” and has announced that from the Department of Culture, “we continue working to complete a wide and varied programme for the end of the year to offer to citizens and visitors”.

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