Great success of the environmental education workshops organised for the youngest children
The seabed clean-up day in Mal Pas confirms the good condition of Benidorm's beaches

The seabed clean-up day in the area that extends from the beginning of Levante Beach at the height of Torrejó to Mal Pas Beach has resulted in a great balance in terms of debris removed from the water, as these have been minimal. Just three small plastic and fabric bags have only served to confirm the good condition of the beaches of Benidorm and their seabed, even in times of maximum influx.
The day was organised by the Department of Environment and Beaches and the Mundomar Foundation and had the collaboration of the divers of the firemen, and the concessionaire of Beaches and the Local Police. On the occasion of this initiative, the Councillor for Beaches, Mónica Gómez, came to Mal Pas beach to thank the divers and Mundomar for their work. Some members of the corporation were there too.
It is worth highlighting the great success obtained by the environmental education workshops among the youngest; Workshops given by an educator to teach them the importance of caring for the seabed, the beaches, not leaving objects, etc. This action has had the collaboration of the students of ‘Interpretation and Environmental Education’ of the Employment-Training Youth Guarantee program ‘T’Avalem Benidorm Sostenible’.
The educator explained to the participants everything that had been done during that day and made them aware of the need to keep the coast clean. They were also shown the things that can be done with what is collected from the sea.