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The plenary unanimously approves asking the Conselleria to create nursery units in the schools of Foietes

27 March 2017
El pleno aprueba por unanimidad pedir a Conselleria la creación de unidades de párvulos en los colegios de Foietes

It also agrees to liquidate the current management contract of the WWTP to tender a new one by public tender

The plenary of the corporation has unanimously approved to request the Ministry of Education to create new units of 2-year-old children in schools in the district Foietes for the school year 2017/2018. The motion raised to the full by the mayor, Toni Pérez, who also has assumed the competencies of Education, reflects what was expressed by the Municipal School Council last December.

Pérez has indicated that in the neighborhood "there is no municipal public offer" of this educational level, and added that the three schools in the northern part of Foietes - Baptista Lledó, Aitana and Vasco Núñez de Balboa - can "perfectly offer these studies" .

The mayor recalled that last year the Conselleria elected Benidorm as one of the cities in which to pilot a pilot unit of 2 years in the school Puig Campana, in the neighborhood of Els Tolls, precisely the area of ​​the municipality with Greater supply of municipal posts of this level when disposing the Fontanelles municipal school of 80 squares of P-2.

The majority of councilors have approved to initiate the procedures to liquidate the current contract of operation, maintenance and conservation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (EDAR) to proceed to its bidding by means of an open competition, matching the duration of the new contract with the creation Of a joint venture. The councilman of Water, Jose Ramon González de Zárate, has indicated that the liquidation practiced by the municipal technicians gives a favorable balance to the City of 6,164.24 euros, and added that to tender the new management contract will have to count on the commitment Prior to the financing of the Generalitat through the Public Entity of Wastewater Sanitation (EPSAR).

De Zárate has clarified that this action complies with a ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJ) of 2014 that nullified the extension approved by the then Socialist government of 2010 and that forced to contest this contract, once Amortized the investments made by the concessionaire.

The 25 councilors unanimously endorsed the proposal of Councilor for Citizen Security, Lorenzo Martínez, so that the Generalitat Valenciana grants public congratulations to the local police officers Pedro Muñoz, Antonio Domínguez, Daniel Romero and Julian Eloy Carrillo, who last 27 Of July they rescued a minor who had been suspended in the clothesline of a building after precipitating by the window; As well as agents David Fontanet, José Ramón Fuentes and Germán Briso-Montiana, who two months later frustrated an alleged sexual assault and detained the aggressor.

The proposal also includes the granting of the Cross to Police Merit with Distintivo Blanco for its 25 years of service to officer Alonso Martínez and agents Saúl Pastor, Francisco Jesús Sánchez, Mª José Pérez, Miguel Ángel Cánovas, Vicente Terentí and José Tomás Galaví.

By majority, the plenary has understood by withdrawal the offer presented by a mercantile to open a Japanese food stall in the municipal market and declare the adjudication deserted after the company has not paid within the established term the deposit required by the City.

Also with the majority vote has been accepted the appointment of the new representative of the commercial station Autobuses Benidorm SL in the Joint Commission created by the plenary in 2014 and that is responsible for the settlement of the contract by mutual agreement. A commission that is understood constituted with the designation of this new member.

At the same meeting, the accounting information for the fourth quarter of 2016 related to the fight against delinquency, monitoring of the adjustment plan, average payment period for suppliers and compliance with the Law on Budgetary and Financial Stability were reported. The Audit Report for the years 2014 and 2015 has also been reported; Of the Low Festival reports; Of the writing of acceptance by the City of five houses in the building Karola; And the urgent logging of a palm tree on Gerona Street.

Motions of the opposition

A motion by the municipal group Citizens (Cs) has been approved by a majority to install a new sound system in the auditorium of the City Council to improve the hearing of the same, incorporating a magnetic induction loop system for hearing impaired people .

Also with the majority vote of the corporation has prospered a motion of Compromís-Los Verdes, as amended by the PP, so that the City Council revise and update the catalog of monumental and significant trees of Benidorm, providing each copy of concrete measures of protection and Signaling in Castilian and Valencian of these specimens with their characteristics for the public knowledge.

The plenary has approved by majority a motion of the same group, and also amended by the PP, to support celiacs and their families and in which the City Council and other supramunicipal administrations are urged to adopt measures that improve the well-being and The quality of life to those who suffer from this disease.

Urgent motions

Outside the agenda and by way of urgency, a motion by the municipal group Citizens for Benidorm (CBM) has been approached for the El Tossal deposit in La Cala to be declared and registered as a Property of Cultural Interest (BIC). The proposal was approved unanimously.