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The City Council materializes the suspension of the table and chair fee until the end of 2021

The plenary session approves the organization of beaches for March and April, which includes the subdivision and the increase in the rescue service

26 February 2021
The plenary session approves the organization of beaches for March and April, which includes the subdivision and the increase in the rescue servi...

The entire Corporation shows its support for the Security Forces and Bodies and condemns the violent acts in support of Pablo Hasél

The plenary session of the Corporation has approved by majority the services to be provided on the beaches of Benidorm during the months of March and April, thus preparing the city's sandy areas while waiting for the reactivation of mobility and tourist activity. The proposal voted in plenary session adapts the configuration of the beaches and the services to the probable favorable evolution of the pandemic and the foreseeable increase in people who use beaches during this period, which includes two important holiday moments such as the San José long weekend and Easter week.

The Beaches Councilor, Mónica Gómez, explained that this adaptation of the organization and operation of the beaches from March 1 to April 30 "reissues the model that we implemented in June 2020", based on guaranteeing capacity, physical distancing and health security, as well as the enjoyment of all users.

Likewise, she has detailed that the formula approved today contemplates: the subdivision of the sandy areas, with spaces of 16 square meters (4x4 meters) to ensure physical distancing and personal observance of these measures; “An increase in the surveillance and rescue service”, made up of a maximum of 19 personnel and which includes a boat and ambulance; “A reinforcement of cleaning” of beaches and coves in morning and afternoon shifts complementing the usual night service; and the opening of the accessible beach points of Elche Park and Murcia Street from 10.30 am to 2.30 pm. Cleaning services are expected to increase during the periods of greatest influx of users on the beaches, such as the Easter holiday period.

Gómez recalled that the proposal approved today complies with the plenary agreement of last December in which it was agreed to determine “in February the services to be provided on the beaches in March and April, taking into account the evolution of the pandemic and, consequently, the restrictions that were in force at that time ”.

On the other hand, with the vote of the entire Corporation, the suspension of the rate for the occupation of tables and chairs until December 31, announced by the mayor, Toni Pérez, has materialized. The councillor of the Treasury, Aida García Mayor, recalled that last August the plenary session approved to suspend the rate until March 31, a measure that now lasts until the end of 2021. García Mayor has stressed that this proposal is due to the commitment of the City Council of "Seek and promote legally feasible measures to support the productive fabric, reducing or avoiding tax burdens and processing different types of aid."

Regarding economic matters and with the same result, the plenary session has approved requesting an advance from SUMA on account of the collection of taxes for 2021. García Mayor has indicated that "every year these advances are used" that "give us liquidity to throughout the year, avoiding treasury tensions ”. The mayor has remarked that all the reports are "favorable" to this treasury operation; and she has detailed that the total advance will be 26,358,891.93 euros, an amount that the collection body will deliver at the rate of 2,928,765.77 euros per month.

By majority, the 2020-2027 Cycle Investment Plan has been given the green light, which includes the actions and needs of the city's water network for the coming years for an amount of 31,572,000 euros. The councilor for the area, José Ramón González de Zárate, recalled that “this is the second time that Benidorm has approved an Investment Plan - the previous one was for the period 2004 / 2017-; a technical document that has evaluated the current state of drinking water, sewerage, treatment and ravine infrastructures ”and“ in which the most priority actions are set and how to finance them ”.

De Zárate has reported that "the objective of this Plan is to achieve hydraulic, environmental and management effectiveness, as well as to reduce external dependence on water resources" to continue being "an international example in the integral water cycle"; and it has clarified that during "the delay" in the approval of this document, the execution or processing of some of the planned actions such as the renovation of infrastructures of Mediterráneo and Ametlla del Mar avenues, Rajarell ravine area, has been executed or started. or the streets San Pedro, Atocha, Mallorca or Roma. Among the investments planned for the coming years are the construction of the desalination plant, the implementation of remote reading meters throughout the city, or the renewal of hydraulic infrastructures in streets such as Vía Emilio Ortuño.

Regarding the financing of the Plan's investments, the mayor has detailed that there are several formulas, which are not incompatible with each other, such as: the Renovation Funds of the municipal Potable Water and Sewerage service - which arise from the rate paid by the citizens -; the municipal budget; subsidies from other administrations or organizations; projects and works of greater scope or scope that include actions in this document; or contributions from third parties such as service concessionaires, development agents, etc.

At the proposal of the local government, the plenary session has unanimously approved a motion to urge the Council to declare the expansion of La Vila Joiosa regional hospital and the construction of the new Rincón de Loix health center "strategic". The motion comes after the health shock plan announced by the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, which includes streamlining procedures and speeding up the work deadlines for actions that are considered ‘strategic’.

The councillor of Health, Mónica Gómez, has pointed out that the Generalitat “has not yet defined which are these 'strategic' health infrastructures both to face the current pandemic and to prepare the best care for citizens in the post-Covid-19 phase ”. In this regard, she indicated the suitability of the new Rincón de Loix health center and the expansion of the hospital being considered 'strategic', and recalled that "both infrastructures are included in the Generalitat's Budgets for 2021, with 800,000 euros and 7,000,000 euros respectively ”.

The Corporation unanimously approved the proposal of the Board of Spokespersons on the occasion of the commemoration of March 8, International Women's Day. The motion invites citizens "to claim a future without discrimination based on gender and / or sex where men and women are part of our society with equal rights and responsibilities"; assuming the Corporation "the importance of promoting training actions and social awareness".

The approved text insists on "the need to intensify intersectoral and transversal equality policies from municipalism" and "provide them economically." In addition, among other agreements, it claims “the need to provide local entities with the necessary means to carry out powers in matters of equality and guarantee the promotion of actions that contribute to coexistence, progress and social development and sustainable economic ”.

By majority, the green light has been given to an extrajudicial credit recognition for an amount of 3,310.65 euros, corresponding to community expenses of 2018 and 2019 of properties owned by the City Council and that the administrations presented in the last months of 2020.In the same session, the summary on participation in the preliminary consultation of the Market on Urban Solid Waste and Cleaning of Public Spaces was reported, as well as the final approval of the Mediation Service Regulations. In addition, the decree for the correction of errors in documents in the file related to item 2 of the agenda of the plenary session of January 29 has been reported, and information to the plenary session of the notification of said agreement to the holders listed in the Property Registry.

Urgent motions

Unanimously, the Corporation has expressed its "support " for "the Security Forces and Bodies in their work to defend and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens", while "condemning violent acts" as those experienced in recent days "within the protests organized by radical groups" against "the imprisonment of Pablo Hasél."

The motion, of the Board of Spokespersons, states that “the legitimate right to demonstrate and the defense of freedom of expression cannot be confused with the use of violence by radical organized groups”; and, for that reason, it condemns and condemns "all acts of vandalism, regardless of the ideology in which they are based". In the same way, it censors "any type of action or statement that justifies, protects or undervalues ​​said acts, consequently rejecting all undemocratic conduct that threatens coexistence in peace and freedom and tries to undermine the foundations of our democracy."

The text emphasizes that "it is the duty and obligation of all democratic parties to reject and outright condemn any behavior of a violent nature as well as any justifying action thereof"; and highlights that "men and women" who make up the Security Forces and Corps "are committed to the security of Spain and Spaniards" and "dedicate their lives to safeguarding the coexistence, security and tranquility of their fellow citizens."

For this reason, according to the approved motion, they deserve "the affection, admiration and respect of the whole of Spanish society", being "unfair and intolerable" that they are treated as 'social stressors' when they are "public servants who comply with the responsibility to guarantee security, freedom and the free exercise of our rights ”.

Finally, and also urgently, the Interior Reform Plan (PRI) formulated by Convalesa to implement tertiary use on the first basement floor of Hotel 'Casino Mediterráneo' has been definitively and unanimously approved in application of the update of the specific modification number 1 of the General Plan. The coincillor of Urbanism, Lourdes Casellles, explained that both the PRI and the agreement to be signed between the City Council and the mercantile "have been exposed to the public without any allegations having been received."

Caselles has indicated that the introduction of tertiary use in a space that is now used for parking implies "an increase in the provision of 937.99 square meters", which translates into a compensation in favor of the City Council of 473,357.66 euros that " they will go to the Municipal Land Heritage ”. To this economic contribution is added the free transfer of property for use as a public technical panel, which Convalesa has already made effective.