The plenary session approves to extend the agreement for the implantation of the shopping center in the industrial estate

Benidorm will now pay the judgment of 1.8 million for the price revision of the contract cleaning and garbage collection of the period 2009-2011, and will examine the service provided until 2016
The corporation gives green light urgently to the Sustainable Parking Plan
The plenary of the municipal corporation of Benidorm has today approved by a large majority the proposal of the mayor, Toni Perez, to extend until July 31 this year the agreement signed with the mercantile company Unibail Rodamco in relation to Partial Plan 3/1, in Which the company plans to build a shopping center. Councilor for Urban Planning, Lourdes Caselles, explained that at the time the City Council signed an agreement with the developer and with Unibail Rodamco in which "the City Council was given a period of 18 months to modify the General Plan and the partial plan for Make room for the mall ".
Caselles has pointed out that the City Council has already approved punctual amendment number 19 of the General Plan, "but the partial plan is missing", which is at the expense of the environmental report to be issued by the Ministry and which in principle could be received this month or the next According to the information transferred by this administration.
The mayor has clarified that both modifications are necessary to start the urbanization and construction of the shopping center, and recalled that the projects are already approved execution of the roundabout that will give access to the polygon from the N-332 and the road Discotheques, which will connect this area with the Avenida de la Comunidad Valenciana.
In connection with this shopping center, with the majority support, it has been agreed to create a work table requested by Independent Association of Merchants (AICO) to "analyze, deepen and coordinate actions regarding the implementation" of the aforementioned large area, And possible synergies with local trade. " The panel will be composed of spokespersons for the political groups, the non-attached councilor and three members of the merchants' association. In addition, as guests, local councilors, municipal technicians, business associations - Abreca, Aptur, Hosbec, Avibe, Campings and Ociobal -, a representative of the Neighborhood Council, external technicians, The developer agent and the merchant responsible for the shopping center.
The plenary has ratified the second batch of allegations to the Territorial Action Plan for the Green Infrastructure of the Coast of the Region of Valencia (PATIVEL) of those prepared by municipal technicians. Caselles recalled that the City Council presented the first allegations at the end of February, although not all have been taken into account, which makes this new battery necessary to correct "the lack of cartographic detail and fit the General Plan." In this regard, he explained that the document "delimits as an orchard development sectors such as Armanello or rotational soils like the school complex Salto del Agua".
It has also been approved the modification of the three fiscal ordinances that regulate: the tax for the provision of services related to the processing or authorization for the exercise of the activities - and more specifically the responsible declarations -, the Tax on Buildings, Installations and Works (ICIO ), And the fee for planning licenses.
Likewise, it was unanimously agreed to subsidize 95% of the ICIO of the works of the Residence of Elders of Foietes, based on what establishes the municipal ordinance and the Law of Local Haciendas for works of public utility.
With the same result has prospered the proposal of the local government to comply with the ruling of the Court of Administrative Litigation number 1 in Alicante that obliges the City to pay 1.8 million euros to the concessionaire company of Road Cleaning, Fomento de Construcciones and Contracts (FCC), as a review of prices for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011. The mayor of the area, José Ramón González de Zárate, has indicated that by indication of the municipal technicians will be paid as soon as possible this amount -1 , 4 million principal and about 450,000 euros of default interest.
De Zárate has advanced that, based on the technical reports, the service provided by the concessionaire between 2009 and 2016 will be reviewed. From then on, until 2013, the company recognizes a balance favorable to the City Council of about 600,000 euros, Although the municipal estimate exceeds 2.4 million euros.
The corporation has unanimously supported a motion of the Human Resources area so that, following the instructions of the Autonomous Secretary of Social Services and Personal Autonomy, the services of the Social Welfare and Education areas provided by the Benidorm City Council are considered as priorities in order to "overcome the constraints on contracting imposed by the Estate General Administration
The voluntary conversion of two ordinary taxi licenses to eurotaxis has also been unanimous in order to serve people with functional diversity, which will increase the fleet of vehicles adapted for people with reduced mobility to 14.
With the majority support of the corporation, it has been approved to ask the Territorial Service of Commerce to open the retail establishments on Monday, November 13 - local local - in view of the request made by Consum, and that it has been informed Favorably by the municipal technicians.
All the councilors have agreed to initiate the procedures so that the Generalitat Valenciana grants diplomas of retirement to two agents of the Local Police. Also unanimously, a motion has been approved for the Ministry of Health to maintain the transport service from Benidorm to the Infanta Elena centers (located in San Juan) and San Rafael (Santa Faz) to four people in the city - with degrees of disability Which range from 75% to 89% - as it has been doing since 2011. In addition, the same session has seen the change of exclusive dedications in the socialist municipal group.
Motions of the opposition
The corporation has given unanimous green light to a motion by the PSOE to work definitively in the procedures to promote the nomination of Benidorm to World Heritage of UNESCO and to allocate the necessary money in the 2017 budget.
A motion by the Citizens group (C's) has been unanimously adopted to improve the legal advice of the City Council, among other things, by collecting some municipal jurists to receive and submit judicial notices, and by following up on the judicial matters in which they are immersed The local administration.
Likewise, another motion of the same group was approved unanimously to promote the creation of a Baixa Marina district council "to coordinate a relevant and ambitious cultural program that is jointly promoted for residents and tourists" and another Destined to the programming of "sporting events of high level that serves to promote the region of face to the sector of the sports tourism".
With the majority vote has been approved an amended motion of the Liberal group of Benidorm (LiBE) to create a working table to study the deployment of defibrillators in the patrol cars of the Local Police in which are represented those responsible for the body, Municipal technicians, trade unions and political groups. In addition, if necessary, theoretical and practical training would be provided to municipal agents and workers on the use of these resuscitation devices.
In the area of water, a proposal by the Compromís-Los Verdes group, as amended by the PP, has been unanimous, so that, in agreement with the Consortium of Waters of the Baixa Marina and taking into account the Master Plan of the Integral Water Cycle, Carry out the necessary actions to "take advantage of the natural waters that pour to the sea in the beach of Poniente" at the height of the streets Nicaragua, Xixo and Murtal. For this, technical reports are requested prior to the cost of the works to be executed.
Also from the same group, a proposal, amended by PP and C's, has been approved with the vote of the whole corporation, to study subsidizing taxes and fees for unemployed, retired and disabled people; And by majority, another to implement parking areas or bicycle anchorage, among other locations, in the vicinity of educational centers, social centers and sports.
A motion by Compromís-Los Verdes, amended by C's, has been given a green light by majority vote so that the itineraries, schedules and reservations for the parking of tourist and discretionary buses can be studied and revised, especially in the central area Like Tomás Ortuño, Ruzafa, Los Almendros and Jaime I - or in the street Stockholm; As well as the implementation of points of concentration for these vehicles in the center.
Urgent motions
Outside the agenda, the plenary has supported by majority a motion of urgency raised by the mayor in line with what was agreed by the Mobility Council to approve the Sustainable Parking Plan (PES). The proposal also includes the realization of an economic-financial and a technical study of all the proposals of this PES in order to know the impact and viability or not of each of them.
Likewise, a motion submitted by the five opposition groups has been approved by a majority, so that the bases of the tests for the selection of personnel and for the competitions for the provision of jobs are approved by the plenary before by the Board of Local government.
A motion of the PSOE unanimously has gone ahead to reinstate of immediate way the collective transport for the students and students of the TAPIS.