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The plenary process maintains in staff until the end of year the 10 temporary policemen of Beaches

28 August 2017
El pleno tramita mantener en plantilla hasta final de año a los 10 policías interinos de Playas

The corporation starts the file to create a parking area for residents with more than 3,000 free seats

The City Council sends the CJC the protocol agreed with the Generalitat to resume the works of the cultural center

The plenary has unanimously and urgently approved a motion by the Councilor for Citizen Security, Lorenzo Martínez, to begin the procedures to maintain in staff until the end of the year the 10 temporary agents of the Local Police hired for six months to reinforce the Beach Section. Martínez explained that in principle these agents end their contract at the end of September and its renewal requires the authorization of the Directorate General of the Emergency Response and Security Agency and also have sufficient funds in Chapter 1 of the Municipal Budget .

The head of security has stressed that "Benidorm can not afford to lose 10 agents," and has clarified that "we try to get its renewal" after last August "we did not have enough candidates to fill all vacancies offered by commission service".

By a large majority has agreed to start the file to implement a package of measures that "improve mobility, parking and vehicle rotation." Councilor for Mobility, José Ramón González de Zárate, has indicated that "the most important point" of that package of measures "is the creation of the area of ​​resident, with more than 3,000 places in which any neighbor, live in the neighborhood In which he lives, he will be able to park free if he is registered and if he pays in the city the circulation tax "; Something that does not happen in other municipalities, where the area of ​​residents is subject to payment.

The document, addressed and agreed upon in the Mobility Council, includes "positive measures" of "protecting the neighbor" and maintaining "the balance of the concession". Among the other measures are: the creation of more than a hundred squares of the blue zone in the avenue of Foietes, Orxeta and Roldán; Increase ORA fees and schedules for visitors; Regulate loading and unloading places for free use for 30 minutes by local companies and at a cost of 2 euros for those not settled in Benidorm; Regulate the parking of motorcycles and mopeds in blue zone; make it possible to annul the complaints in the blue zone; raise the price for the stay of vehicles towed away to the municipal warehouse; create new deterrent parking spaces; and implement technological measures.

Also by a large majority has prospered the motion that will allow to advance in the unblocking of the works of the cultural center and that happens to annull the right of surface that operates on the land in which the building is located and to substitute it by a concession. The councillor of Urbanism, Lourdes Caselles, explained that this change and the referral to the Consell Jurídic Consultiu (CJC) of the protocol agreed by the Generalitat Valenciana and the City Council will allow "the works are resumed and in the medium term Benidorm can enjoy new Facilities for the conservatory of music and dance and a room of 546 seats ". The execution of these installations, together with the arrangement of the facades, constitutes the first phase of the works to conclude the building.

By a majority, councilors have given green light to a proposal to comply with the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJ) relating to the bus station. The proposal includes the "comply with the requirement of municipal intervention" of April 2015 to carry out a new assessment of the bus station, and to continue with the resolution file by mutual agreement and new tender of the Terminal and its facilities. The proposal includes giving good evaluation of 25,429,196.76 euros of the station, and include it within the specifications of the new tender.

In relation to the bus station, the document presented by the company that manages the terminal has been reported in which it informs the withdrawal of its representative from the Joint Commission and requests the termination of the same.

The plenary unanimously approved to begin the process to cede to the Generalitat the necessary lands for the accesses and platforms of the future intermodal station of the TRAM in the vicinity of the bus terminal; And has supported the manifesto of support for the Valencian Pact for Safe and Sustainable Mobility promoted by the Department of Housing, Public Works and the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP).

At the same meeting, the mayor's decree, Toni Pérez, has been taken into account, which eliminates contracts negotiated without advertising, thus anticipating the measures proposed by the Government of Spain in the preliminary draft to amend the Public Sector Contracts Act which is already in the Court. Likewise, the decree of final approval of the bylaw about the realization of audiovisual products has been taken into account.

Motions of the opposition

With the unanimous vote, several points of a motion of the municipal group of the PSOE, as amended by Compromís-Los Verdes, have prospered, so that the City Council opens a file to the concessionaire of the station "for the legal duty of conservation". The proposal includes a legal and technical report, an inventory of all damages, the obligation to clean and repair all damages and notify the concessionaire of the corresponding sanctioning record for not maintaining the station.

All the councilors have supported a motion of the municipal group Citizens (Cs) to restart the efforts to request the free transfer to the City of the old box of road workers on the Avenue Emilio Ortuño to be used as a priority as a multipurpose room for young boys.

A motion of the Compromis-Los Verdes group, as amended by the PP, was unanimously approved so that "within the needs plan" of the Local Police "study the creation of the bicycle unit" of this body that "will contribute to improve The image and proximity of the police to the citizen. " If created, this unit will initially be composed of volunteer temporary agents hired for the beaches during the summer, although the City Council will promote access to the unit among the rest of the staff.