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The city will grant 'Distinción Europa' to Emma Navarro, vice president of Central Bank

The plenary of Benidorm approves by a large majority the Universal Accessibility Plan

29 April 2019
El pleno de Benidorm aprueba por amplia mayoría el Plan de Accesibilidad Universal

The opposition conditions the application of the VPT, approved and agreed with the unions, to a vote of all the workers of the Town Council included in the document

The plenary session of Benidorm has today approved by a large majority the Universal Accessibility Plan of Benidorm, presented at the Mobility Advisory Council a month ago and which is linked to the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PMUS), and which has been designed to achieve the total accessibility in the main itineraries of the city. The councilman of Mobility, José Ramón González de Zárate, has indicated that in Benidorm "things are doing well" in this matter as evidenced by "the different recognitions granted", and added with today's approval it becomes "one of the few Spanish cities with a Universal Accessibility Plan ".

This Universal Accessibility Plan is a technical document that analyzes the accessibility that exists in the main itineraries of Benidorm to detect existing deficiencies. From this analysis, the Plan proposes solutions to achieve a 100% accessible city with environments, itineraries and services available to all people. The Plan proposes 15 solutions or actions to be developed over a period of 3 years (2019-2021) and with an investment of just over 450,000 euros. Among the proposed solutions are the widening of sidewalks eliminating parking band and / or narrowing part of the traffic lane; the filling of tree pits, change of the pavement that is deteriorated; note the itinerary on the pavement; Remove items such as bins or trees from the pass band; move the lighting outside the pedestrian band; or adapt the fords to the regulations, both public and private.

Unanimously, the corporation has endorsed the proposal of the Board of Spokespersons to grant the 'Distinction Europe' of 2019 to the Benidorm Emma Navarro Aguilera, vice president of the European Investment Bank, for her "brilliant work at the head of national and international institutions, especially from the EU. " With this distinction, Benidorm recognizes "those people, institutions or groups that, from that Europeanist vocation, have had or have a prominent role in the day to day of the EU and its relationship with Benidorm".

Law Degree, Master in Community Law from the San Pablo CEU University and a joint Postgraduate Diploma in Legal and Economic Studies from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and La Sorbonne in Paris, Emma Navarro has been President of the ICO, Secretary General of the Treasury, adviser to the Bank of Spain, the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB) and the National Securities Market Commission. In addition, at an international level, he has represented Spain in the Financial Stability Board (FSB), in the Economic and Financial Committee and in the Eurogroup Working Group. She has also held the position of alternate governor in the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), and has been an alternate member of Spain in the Eurogroup, the Ecofin and the G-20.

The 'Distinction Europe' will be delivered on May 9 at 12.00 in an institutional act scheduled in the Hall of Acts of the City.

By majority, the motion of the Councilor for Human Resources, Jesús Carrobles, has been successful to approve the Valuation of Work Positions (VPT) of the City Council and its correlation of points by factor, according to the agreement of the General Negotiation Table - in which Represented the Local Administration and the representatives of the workers- in which four of the five unions voted in favor of the document.

This motion has been amended by the PSOE, with the support of the socialist groups, Ciudadanos (Cs), Liberals of Benidorm (Libe) and Compromís-Los Verdes; and the rejection of the local government and the non-attached councilors. Based on this amendment, "a vote in which all public employees whose work appears in the VPT with the question Yes or No" will be held. The result of the same "will be taken into account for possible adjustments and improvements of the document, remaining" the final approval conditional on the voting option to win the Yes option ".

Within this point, and with the majority vote of the corporation have also approved the List of Jobs, the Description of the Jobs (DPT) and the Catalog of the Jobs (DPT).

In the same session and by majority, the agreements of mutual agreement for the acquisition of the land of two farms necessary for the execution of the Vial Discotecas that is going to join the Valencian Community Avenue with the access roundabout to the Industrial Estate have been approved. The Councilor for Urban Development, Lourdes Caselles, has indicated that "almost 90% of the land for this road has been acquired by mutual agreement", compensating the owners with "reserves of use in the APR-3 and Partial Club Discotecas in the case of the urban soils included in these sectors "and with" the payment in cash "in the case of the rustic ones.

Also by a large majority, the Intelligent Tourism Destination DTI Master Plan (2018-2021) of Benidorm has been given the green light, prepared by the Ente Gestor to advance the development of the project that has enabled Benidorm to be the first smart tourist destination certified by the world in accordance with the UNE 178501 standard, and to continue being "a world leader in tourism and now also in the DTI", as indicated by the deputy spokesperson of the local government, Lourdes Caselles.

Unanimously, it has been approved the hiring of a music teacher in the specialty of Saxophone for the Conservatory of Music 'José Pérez Barceló'; as well as the appointment of representatives of the City Council in the Follow-up Commission of the agreement signed with the entity for the development of the National Smart Territories Plan of the Digital Agenda for Spain.

The proposal of the Councilor for Citizen Security, Lorenzo Martínez, was approved with the same result to initiate the procedure for the awarding of distinctions and decorations by the Generalitat Valenciana to the agents of the Local Police Pascual Fidel Navarro -diploma for retirement- and Francisco Ivars - public congratulations for his police intervention on March 7 in a gas leak occurred in the vicinity of the school Our Lady of Sorrows.

Also by a large majority, the appeal for reconsideration filed by a private individual against the plenary agreement of last December that modified the Internal Regime Regulations of the Neighborhood Council as agreed by that body has been dismissed.

With the vote of the majority of the corporation, the plenary has approved a bonus of 95% of the ICIO for the repair works in the Foietes Health Center and the cover of the Transfers Plant.

In the same session, the decree of cession of medium voltage underground line for a transformation center to serve the Séquia Mare Park was ratified; as well as the constitution of servitude in favor of Iberdrola on that center. In addition, the report of the Audit Office of Audit Accounts of local entities of 2016, and the communication from UNICEF regarding the plenary agreement last month for the inclusion of Benidorm within the Child Friendly Cities program.

Municipal budget

Within the agenda, the proposal for the initial approval of the Budget of the City of Benidorm for the year 2019 has been debated. The Councilor for Finance, Lourdes Caselles, has defended the accounts for the current year drawn up and presented by the government, which include an income budget of 106,753,022.10 euros and expenses of 105,245,992.03 euros.

Caselles has indicated that it is a "continuist" budget, in which there is an increase of "4% of the income"; which collects investments worth 16 million euros; that contemplates "the multiannual works" that are being developed in the city, as well as new actions -some raised by the Cs group-; which reserves for the Participatory Budget an amount above the 5% set by the Participation Regulations; and in which financial expenses are reduced by the early repayment of debt made in previous years.

After the debate, the opposition groups have approved the withdrawal of the point.