‘Plantà’ of Fallas of 'Pepa Esperanza Llinares Llorca' Association in La Cala
This noon has been planted the Falla that the association of 'Pepa Esperanza Llinares Llorca' has raised in the courtyard of the Social Center. The monument has been made in joint workshops of members and family members of Asmibe (Association of Disabled People of Benidorm), AFEM (Association of Family and Mentally Ill of the Marina Baixa), AFA (Association of Family and Sick of Alzheimer's of the Marina Baixa) ) and Asofiben (Benidorm Fibromyalgia Association).
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, along with the councilman of Fiestas, Jesús Carrobles, have participated in the 'globotà' that the associates have made to commemorate the 'plantà'. The monument is formed by a central figure that emulates Bali Hotel and several satirical scenes. The Falla will not be burned the night of San José, like the others in Benidorm, it will be re-planted in Hogueras of San Juan where it will be consumed by fire.