For twelve months, the six works in the exhibition 'The Journey of Life' have coexisted on Paseo de Poniente with hundreds of thousands of people.
The monumental sculptures by artist Jiménez Deredia head towards Switzerland after a year in Benidorm.

After just over a year installed on Paseo de Poniente, the six monumental sculptures by Costa Rican artist Jiménez Deredia are bidding farewell to Benidorm and heading to Switzerland. Ana Pellicer, Councilor for Historical and Cultural Heritage, explained that "last night the pieces were dismantled. They arrived in Benidorm at the end of February 2024 with the support of the City of Arts and Sciences and for just over twelve months have coexisted with hundreds of thousands of people on the Poniente beach."
A street-level location, the Councilor recalled, "excited the artist, who accompanied us a year ago at the premiere of the exhibition, which before arriving in Benidorm had made stops in such notable cities as Rome, Shanghai, and Miami."
In fact, during the opening of the exhibition, Jiménez Deredia defended public exhibitions, which allow the general public to "have contact and connection" with art and, in this case, sculpture, "regardless of their economic and social status." Regarding the choice of Benidorm, the Costa Rican stated that on his first visit to see the city and the proposed exhibition space, "we loved the energy" that permeated "these very special landscapes" with "the sea, the mountains, and the island behind them." "That made us decide that this could be an important stage of this exhibition," he added. Pellicer said that “in the last year, Encanto, Arrullo, Refugio, Conciencia, Sueño and Crespúsculo, the six marble and bronze pieces sculpted by Jiménez Deredia have become part of the urban landscape of Poniente, adding a plus to a promenade that is already very artistic and has become one of the great exhibition spaces in Benidorm”, which has previously hosted artists such as Arne Quinze and Juan Méjica and which houses Hung Yi's swans.