The Local Government Board (JGL) has approved today the bases for university transport grant for the 2017/2018 academic year for users of Benidormense Association of University Students (ABEU) granted annually by the Department of Education, which is headed by the mayor, Toni Pérez. Grants for which an expenditure of 51,058.86 euros has been authorized and which are intended to reduce the expense for the use of the regular bus service provided by ABEU, which daily links Benidorm with the San Vicente and San Juan campuses. universities of Alicante and Miguel Hernández de Elche.
As in previous years, the amount of the aid is proportional to the transport cost that the student disburses during the course, not exceeding the benefit in any case 50% of it.
Last year, 214 grants were granted for an average amount of 238.59 euros, and only one request was rejected for not meeting the requirements set out in the rules. To obtain this help the student must be registered in Benidorm before June 1, 2017, have used the transport, be up to date with the service fees, and submit the application with the corresponding documentation in a timely manner. In principle, it is expected that the application period will open next July.
On the other hand, and like last year, the JGL has also approved today the bases for transport aids aimed at university students who are studying in Valencia. As in the grants that are granted to students associated with ABEU, these may not exceed 50% of the total expense justified by the student, nor exceed the maximum amount that is granted to students traveling to San Vicente or San Juan.
The last course, first of the implementation of these non-associative university transport aids, 16 applications were processed, half of which were accepted. For this course, the Department of Education plans to make an information campaign to disseminate this line of municipal aid, for which initially they have reserved 3,000 euros and will also be opened at the beginning of July.