The exhibition, carried out by students of the Artistic Baccalaureate of the IES Pere Maria Orts i Bosch can now be visited on the second floor of the Boca del Calvari
The future artists of Benidorm vindicate with 'ensomnis', the figure of Guillén Tato

The exhibition 'A Renaissance esthete' on the figure of Admiral Julio Guillén Tato, housed in the Boca del Calvari Museum, incorporates, on the second floor of this unique municipal building, the complementary exhibition 'ensomnis' (with a small e), carried out collectively by the students of the second year of the Artistic Baccalaureate of the IES Pere Maria Orts i Bosch.
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, together with the councilors for Historical and Cultural Heritage and Education, Ana Pellicer, and Maite Moreno, accompanied the large group of students and teachers from the institute on the first tour of the exhibition, the result of debate and constructive dialogue in the classrooms embodied on paper and that, with the use only of paper and the colors red and black, transports the visitor, from a dream perspective to the vision of the firmament that the illustrious navigator could have had during his voyages.
The constellations created by the students have adapted their limits to the dimensions of the room. A creative work in which each group of stars claims the mark that the admiral left in Benidorm and that continues to this day, demonstrating, in the words of the mayor, "the capacity and art" of the young students.
"The exhibition - said Toni Pérez - brings the figure of a person very close to Benidorm, author of spaces that we live every day". The mayor recalled the contributions of Guillén Tato in the urban planning of the Benidorm proposed by Pedro Zaragoza "who not only designed, but also rolled up his sleeves" to make them a reality like the Carreró dels Gats, Plaça de la Senyoria "which from heaven is a beautiful rose of the winds”, or the shoreline of the ship.
For her part, Ana Pellicer elaborated on the collaboration of the IES Pere Maria Orts i Bosch with the City Council, with initiatives such as 'Benidorm fet a mà' with the students of the Marketing and Advertising degree, or this one, with those of the Artistic Baccalaureate, “ young artists of the future” in which they have been able to “interpret” the work of Guillén Tato and the possibility of “exhibiting” the result at the Boca del Calvari.
The director of the institute, Ignacio Gascón, defined Pere Maria's Department of Plastic Arts as an "authentic" jewel with a "spectacular team of teachers". The teacher recalled that "art is doing a lot with little" and, pointing to the creatives, he valued the "taste and simplicity" applied to them.
For their part, the students Laura Ortega and Ariadna Sánchez, on behalf of the student group, recalled that "the most beautiful thing about art is being able to share it"; said the first, while thanking the City Council for “giving us these opportunities. In his speech, Sánchez pointed out that the creation of the originals was based on "the things that Guillén Tato liked" and he elaborated on the need to make him known "because today many young people neither know who he was nor what he did for Benidorm”.
The exhibition 'A Renaissance esthete' and the annex 'ensomnis' will remain at the Boca del Calvari until February 19.