Toni Pérez delivers the check to the association that provides an "invaluable service" to users and relatives of Benidorm and its entire region
Doble Amor receives 5,500 euros from the inscriptions of the IV Solidarity Cross

The acting mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, accompanied by the councilors, also acting, for Social Welfare and Sports, Ángela Llorca and Mariló Cebreros, has delivered a check this morning to Doble Amor for the amount of 5,500 euros, from the collection of the inscriptions of the IV Cross Country Solidarity Cross 'Centro Doble Amor', held on May 7 in El Moralet Park.
The president of Doble Amor Association, Casimiro Vila, received the donation, in an informal act in which the representative of the organizing company, Pepe Brotons, the person in charge of Coca-cola Communication in the area, Ramón Alonso, and many of the users of the center who have not wanted to stop greeting the guests.
Toni Pérez wanted to highlight the "generosity" of sponsors and organizers of the sports event that "contributes to the maintenance" of an association that is a model "and example of solidarity" and that provides an "invaluable service" to users and families of Benidorm and all his region.
In the first edition of the Solidarity Cross, the figure of 3,700 euros was reached, 4,100 in the second, 5,000 in the third, and 5,500 in the one held on May 7. In the test, organized by the Department of Sports in collaboration with the Benidorm Athletics Club, around 450 people registered who enjoyed the surroundings of El Moralet during the cross-country race and also the complementary tests of hiking, Nordic walking, and children's races