The Official Gazette has published today the rules governing these grants from 200 euros per month for 3 months
Direct social grants to alleviate the effects of the coronavirus may be requested from Monday

They can be requested electronically, by email or at administrative extensions
The direct social grants that Benidorm City Council has planned to alleviate the effects of the coronavirus crisis may be requested from next Monday, April 20, once the bases that have been published today in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP). The mayor, Toni Pérez, recalled that these grants starting at 200 euros per month will be granted for a period of three months, from April to June.
These grants, which will reach more than 2,000 families, “are aimed at people or family units that do not have sufficient income to meet the expenses derived from the current emergency situation; and therefore, to the citizens who have been hit hardest by this health crisis, which is also social and economic. ”
The monthly amount of the aid will be 200 euros for the coexistence unit made up of one person, to which 50 euros will be added for each more member of the family unit. Thus, the coexistence units or family members of two members who meet the requirements set out in the bases will receive 250 euros; 300 euros, those of three; and 350, those of four. Thus, the family unit of a member will receive a total aid of 600 euros; 750 euros, those of two members; 900, those formed by three people; and 1,050 euros, those of four.
Toni Pérez has indicated that "we are very aware of the limitation that the population now has due to confinement." Hence, all the telematic means of the City Council have been made available to the public, including the mail In addition, those who do not have an email can present their request in person at the Municipal Registry of the City Hall and in the administrative extensions, which will open from Monday from 08:00 to 15:00. Both in the Registry and in the administrative extensions, the bases and the application forms will be available. However, the population is requested that, as far as possible, the processing be carried out via telematics or email to avoid displacement.
All the information regarding the requirements for access to these grants contained in the bases and documentation to be provided by the applicant can be found in the section of the municipal website, as well as in the toll-free telephone numbers of the Collective Aid Network (#RAC): 900 701 322 and 900 10 12 15.
In addition to the Electronic Headquarters of the City Council (, the application form can be completed and downloaded and then be sent to the email ayudafamilia @ benidorm .org. Along with the application form, it will be necessary to provide a photocopy of the DNI or equivalent document of all the members of the family unit and the model of direct debit, also available on the municipal website.
Broadly speaking, people registered in Benidorm for a year who have been unemployed, have been affected by a Temporary Employment Regulation File (ERTE), have reduced their workday due to care or have suffered an accident can access these aids. loss of income due to alarm status. Likewise, among the economic requirements, it must be proven that the income of the family unit does not exceed twice the monthly Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income (IPREM), set for 2020 at 537.84 euros - so the amount of reference will be 1,047 euros per month. This limit will be increased by 0.2 times the IPREM for each more member of the family unit. In any case, income must include the months from January 2020 to the month prior to the application date.
The application period ends on June 30.