For the fourth consecutive year, the City Council launches a line of grants to support and encourage the training of new musicians
Culture calls for grants for music schools and students

For the fourth consecutive year, the Department of Education and Culture - headed by Mayor Toni Pérez and the councillor Ana Pellicer, respectively - are going to call subsidies for music schools and students. The Local Government Board today has approved the bases that will govern this aid, created in 2016, for which 30,000 euros have been set aside and which seek to "support and promote the cultural and eminently pedagogical work carried out by the musical entities of the city."
The councilwoman of Culture has stressed that "when it comes to establishing aid to each of the musical entities of Benidorm we take into account objective criteria such as the number of students, the staff of the band and the annual calculation of expenses related to the school ", although it has remarked that" year after year, since 2016, we have been increasing the funds granted to the three schools of students in the city: Musical Union, Musical Society l'Illa and La Nova Musical Society ".
Thus, in 2018 the global subsidy reached 25,880 euros, 730 more than the previous year; an amount that is provided from the scholarship bag of the Department of Education and that "is intended for the training of future musicians of Benidorm." Annually, the three musical entities of the city form approximately fifty students.
The maximum eligible amount is 10,000 euros per entity, and it will be a Valuation Commission that will determine the amount that corresponds to each one after studying their projects and proposals.
Pellicer has stressed that "with these grants we give the City Council support and encourage the teaching and training work carried out by the musical entities of our city, thus continuing with our line of support for culture and education in general, and our young people in particular. "