The winning piece will be performed this Saturday at Óscar Esplá auditorium, where the title of the work will be announced.
The composition with the motto 'Anns' wins the prize at the XXIII 'Villa de Benidorm' Festive Music Composition Contest

The Óscar Esplá auditorium in the Parque de l’Aigüera will host this Saturday the Extraordinary Concert of Festive Music in which the title and author of the winning piece of the XXIII "Villa de Benidorm" Festival Music Composition Competition will be performed and announced, with the motto ‘Anns’. The prize is 2,000 euros and a trophy sponsored by Benidorm City Council.
The event, organised by the Department of Culture and Festivals, will take place from 8 pm and admission will be free until the venue is full. The Benidorm Musical Union, conducted by Rafael Gómez Parra, will perform a programme consisting of the following works: ‘Fester’ (Moorish March) by Saúl
Gómez, ‘Pura casta’ (Pasodoble) by Paco Baenas, ’50 anys abassies Mutxamel’ (Moorish March) by Jorge Baeza, ‘Caballeros de Navarra’ (Christian March) by Ignacio Sánchez, ‘Chimo’ (Moorish March) by José María Ferrero and ‘Azcona’ (Christian March) by Juan Antonio García. The programme will be completed with the final performance of the Moorish march with the motto ‘Anns’, winner of this edition.
The prize was awarded after a majority agreement adopted by the jury composed of the Councillor for Culture, Jaime Jesús Pérez (president), Javier Cidrón (secretary), Juan Antonio Espinosa, Dunia Pérez and Francisco Anaya. The jury has valued the originality of the themes, the harmony, the melody and other characteristics of the festive music, being suitable for the parades of these festivities.
Between the first and second part of the concert, the exaltation of the festive positions of the Moors and Christians will take place. The Christian king and queen are embodied by Antonio Jesús Díaz Serrano and Marifé Montoya, while the Moorish queen will be Verónica Ribelles Sellés. The festivities will be celebrated between October 3 and 6. At the end of the concert, as usual, the festive entities present will pay homage to the festive positions of the festivities.
And this year, at the end of the event, a party will take place in the Town Hall square. A DJ from Los 40 will liven up the night from the top of the Moros y Cristianos castle, which will already be installed. In addition, a bar will be set up with drinks at popular prices.